Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hurricane Relief Update

This was our report yesterday afternoon:
Hey guys,

Just left Bruce Stinson down in Beaumont, TX, an hour
east of us. Left him supplies, etc. Gas (unleaded and diesel) and gas tanks
are their greatest emergency need right now and it is hard or nonexistent
to find gas cans even here in our nearby town. We have plenty of gas but
they have neither gas or gas cans for 50 miles or more. I am about to order
them online and get them here to take to them!

The area does look like a bomb went off. Power is
still out. Access is not overly restrictive but they do stop each one entering
in on some areas to just ask what you are doing there. Bruce and his
people are weary but upbeat. They have their gymatorium filled with goods
and organized into a few hundred bags for families. He is also having a
special service for all the community and churches tonight. His church
building sustained very heavy damage though repairable over time. He has a
great church and people and a ripe opportunity to show Jesus and the Gospel in
this dire time. They are filled with families from the surrounding communiyt with little babies. The county judge would not let Red Cross set up a shelter at tehir church (for political reasons).

Pray for them:
-for Bruce and his family's needs
-for Bruce's leadership (which is excellent)
-for his church folk: they are stressed and tired and the road is long yet
for them all

Just givin a report so you all can mention it in prayer in your respective
services tonight,

The Swaims
Pastor, Central Baptist Church of Pasadena (Houston), Texas

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

September 25, 2005

For the final week of Experiencing the Hope of Jesus, I wanted to preach a message different than I have preached before - no handouts, no powerpoint, and freedom to daydream. Why? Because we were talking about heaven, and there is no way to adequately describe the joys and wonder of heaven, I didn't want our imaginations to be held to words or images. I don't know how successful I was at getting my point accross, but even the Apostle John in Revelation is left to use similes and metaphors when describing the things he sees. So perhaps it is best that rather than telling what heaven is like, maybe I could give a glimpse of how absolutely unimagineable it is. I used the songs Imagine by John Lennon and I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me to demonstrate the point.

I was moved when our congregation began lifting their voices during I Can Only Imagine. I almost couldn't sing, as I felt the presence of God draw near as we drew near to Him. I so long for our congregation to experience this movement of God regularly.

A highlight of our Sunday was baptizing three people - Veronica and Kregg Gauthier, and Silas Thompson (see pictures below). I am always glad to witness people follow the Lord in this area. I pray for each person, that the Lord will grow and mature them in Christ.

It was a good day at the Journey, with an attendance of 95 and a good spirit.

This is Silas Thompson, a good kid who wanted to get baptized. He is a great example, and I look forward to seeing God work in his life. Posted by Picasa

Silas comes out of the water. I am glad that he is an example to our kids about obeying God. Posted by Picasa

Veronica has re-dedicated her life to God, and has been influential in seeing her husband come to know God. Posted by Picasa

This is Veronica Gauthier, who's husband Kregg also got baptized (see below). Posted by Picasa

This is Kregg Gauthier - he got saved in our service back on April 24th. God is so good. Posted by Picasa

Kregg comes up out of the water - "Raised in the likeness of His resurrection." Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 23, 2005

Update from Houston, Texas

Below is an email from Pastor Walt Swaim of Central Baptist Church in
Pasadena, Texas (next to Houston). We have so far sent $2000 to his church to help as they help others, and will
be attending a candelight vigil in Pelham, NH next Sunday evening (for anyone who wants to attend, it will begin at 7pm).

Hello from Pasadena, Texas!

I am behind but am finally able to give a brief update on our hurricane relief work.

Up till last week we were still receiving goods and also were housing the last remaining evacuees.
We also delievered goods in coordination with City of Pasadena and SE TX Housing Authority.
We have received over $3,000 in cash donations that have been held ina special fund and deducted as needed.
As you may have seen in the news, all over Houston most of the evacuees have now found places here or elsewhere
to live, especially backed with federal aid. In our particular case we realized quickly and by suggestion of our
overall coordinator that we use these funds for those special needs that are not met by federal or other aid.

So I introduce you to Janet. Janet is a single mother from New Orleans who has a baby and a 10 year old autistic boy.
The changes for her autistic son have been dramatic and accentuated beyond normal due to such drastic changes.
She was provided an apartment and her son has begun a school, though it is not working well for them at this moment
for him. She has nothing but her car, their clothes and is possibly getting a new job. What we were able to do then
was such a joy thanks to many of those who have donated. Her major need not covered is for her to have childcare so
she can work and take care of her family. We were able to provode about two month's worth of childcare at the place
or person of her choice!! We may help her in other things soon (such as with aid for her autistic boy) but we'll find
out more next week.

Another family was passed to us in private that has a total of 11 people (parents, kids, grandparents) in three
apartments on loan in nearby Baytown. We also went out there Thursday and surprised them with a visit with a truck
load full of kids colroing books and toys and food items. They had no furniture (as we could see in their new little
home) and so we were able to help them purchase some furniture - again thanks to you our donors. The mom's name is
Harriet and her husband is a New Orleans corrections officer who was called back to transport prisoners who had
gotten out and calling people to come pick them up! Also much of the evidence of these cases is now gone or ruined!

While in this apartment complex, we discovered a whole "colony" of folk from the same area given shelter here.
We are going back with more goods: food, baby crib, and more to give out to 11 families there.

I have attached a picture of Janet with her child (the boy was at school) and the other lady is harriet with
one of her daughters. They received the help warmly and Shane and i prayed with each one as well as giving them
Bibles and Gospel tracts to read.

Now we face a new challenge which may delay things for a few days - our own hurricane! We are in disbelief
but getting prepared here in Houston. What is even more difficult is that there are thousands who settled here
after Katrina only to have to move or flee this hurricane! Pray for us all please, and we will be sending
another update soon as possible.

Serving Him in Houston,

Walter Swaim

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am so grateful to pastor a church like The Journey. The diversity represented in our backgrounds along with the commitment and passion of our people is refreshing. Today was a day where there was passion and commitment demonstrated - even awkwardly at times - from our people, but I love when people get excited about Jesus Christ.

Today was a good day at The Journey - the music and the preaching was good. We introduced the song, "Better is One Day" from Psalm 84 to our people, which went well. My message was the completion of last week's message. "After This-the Coming," focusing on the names of Christ at His coming. It was one of the more enjoyable, excitable sermons that I have preached - I am passionate when speaking about the love of Christ that extends to us - the love that extended to us through Jesus Christ as the Word of God in John 1 and Isaiah 63:7.

Our attendance today was 96, and I missed several of our members who were away today (you know who you are!). I look forward to worshiping again with you. We did have a few visitors from the area - Johnathon and Lauren in the 2nd service, and Coleen in the first service. I hope to see them again.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

"Overturning the Gospels"?

This news article from Newsweek is very interesting and scathing—is the church what it should be in America? The premise of the article is “Katrina has reminded us that Christian morality should be about responding to the wretched and loving the unlovable—not about other people’s sex lives.” Read the article and feel free to post your comments.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A House of Prayer

Wow. God is so good, and we are just seeing a little bit of what God can do at The Journey. The prayer time was great tonight - so many people crying out to God. God is pleased.

We prayed for three things tonight:
1) The persecuted church in the world.
2) The area churches, both in our communities and around the state. Prayed especially for God's kingdom to advance through these churches.
3) The Journey and the launching of our small groups.

Prayer is vital, and prayer is the key. Let's keep praying.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The momentum continues to build as we head into the fall here in Rochester at The Journey. This weekend was exciting, with the carwash on Saturday and a full auditorium on Sunday. Our attendance set an all-time high of 118, and new people continue to check us out. God is good, and I am humbled as the Lord moves.

Today was a good day. We took a few moments in the beginnings of each service to remember our country and 9/11, thanking God for our servicemen, including our soldiers, police, and firefighters.

The worship was also good in both services, and to me, the worship sets the stage for the delivery of the Word of God. If people take time to worship, than there is a freshness from the Bible - literally a manifestation of the song where God "opens the eyes of our hearts" - and we are able to hear the Spirit as we read the Word. Worship does that - worship opens the channels in our hearts to the voice and working of the Holy Spirit. Let me encourage you to keep going!

Today I spoke on the 1st two titles of Jesus Christ at the 2nd Coming - Faithful and True and an Unknown Name. I was so excited to deliver this message because of what these titles mean to us, and I felt the response was good. I hope that the Word is not just received and forgotten, but that our people will receive it and meditate on it.

This week, we will be sending $655 more to the hurricane relief to our sister church and relief center, Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX. As we continue to prepare for the 40 Days of Purpose, my heart is getting more and more excited to think about what God is going to do!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Benefit Car Wash for Hurricane Katrina Relief

The Journey got together today and held a benefit car wash from 10am to 1pm (see pics below) to give money to a sister church of ours that is right in the thick of hurricane relief in Houston. Due to the hard work & generosity of our church members and the generosity of our fellow citizens in the Rochester area, we were able to raise $650 dollars.

For the first hour, it seemed we could hardly get anyone to pull into our lot - I was nervous. But after 11am, the cars started pouring in. Thanks to all of you who maintained good attitudes and just "washed your hearts out!"

I am so thankful for each and every man, woman, teen, and child who contributed. I remind you of the Bible passage in Matthew 25:37-40 "Then these righteous ones will reply, `Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?' And the King will tell them, `I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'

To The Journey - you might not ever see the results on earth of your generosity, but you will receive a reward from God Himself. Know that the Lord considers the service done for those who are hurting and hungry and needy is service done for Him. I sincerely thank you. God bless you. - Pastor

Kriss sprays down a car, while Ben looks to re-sud his sponge. Posted by Picasa

We couldn't believe the amount of cars that kept pulling into our lot - the crew gets busy with this dirty car. Posted by Picasa

Barb gets ready to lend a helping hand while this car gets a spray down. Posted by Picasa

Kyle (left) was king of the power sprayer while Ben (purple) and Kriss and Chuck wash this minivan. Posted by Picasa

The kids were a huge help all day, making sure that every nook and cranny was clean. Posted by Picasa

Dave Gibson gets the job done on this minivan. Posted by Picasa

Dory puts the finishing touches on her mini-van. Posted by Picasa

This dirty car didn't know what was going on - this is a lean, mean, cleaning crew! Posted by Picasa

Chuck hoses down another car while Kay (behind him), Kriss and Seth (other side of car) get to work. Posted by Picasa

Amy wanders around while Pastor scrubs the wheel with Chris spraying over the top. Amazingly, Pastor barely managed to get a drop of water on him all day (NOT!). Posted by Picasa

Dave and his daughter, Sara waiting for another car to wash. Posted by Picasa

Is Chuck going to spray the van, or the little girl? Posted by Picasa

Lori, Don, and Ben in action. Posted by Picasa

Pastor and the crew wash a very "cherry" car. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just received this...

I don't know if anyone can help or would know a direction to take this, but I just received this email and thought I would post it.

The Journey Church:
My name is Gigi and I am looking for a place to live! My roomate is getting married and I have to be out of our apartment at the end of the month. Do you know of anyone..or anyone who would know of anyone..who is looking for a renter for a room in their house or for an apartment they own?

I am 24 and I have been attending Wolfeboro Bible Fellowship/Church in Wolfeboro for 4 years now. I am taking my last class at UNH and working. I have references. I have lived with two christian families and am living with one now.

Please write back (email Pastor Rob and he will give you the number and/or email.

Thank you!
Gigi Giambanco

Monday, September 05, 2005

September 4, 2005 - Labor Day

It is a well-known fact that Labor Day is a low day for church attendance...but not here, not at The Journey, not today anyway. We had 114...! People kept on pouring into our first service (which was funny since I took out a row of chairs for our dancers that had to be put back up!), and the second service, while a little smaller, had plenty of people as well. I don't measure our success solely by our attendance, but it was exciting to have so many.

But beyond our attendance, I was very excited about a few things:
1) We took an offering to help a sister church of ours in Texas that is helping hurricane victims (see latest update below from Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, Texas). We raised over $600 in offering alone, and we will send $1000 to them initially from our church. God is good.
2) I also announced that we were changing our TF Car Wash to a Hurricane Benefit Car Wash to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The donated funds will also go entirely to Central Baptist Church in their ongoing work. But after that announcement to change the car wash, I had over 20 more people v0lunteer to help out - which is exactly what we needed! Praise God. Now we just have to get the T-Shirts ready... :)
3) Beyond the hurricane news, in our worship service we had praise and worship dancers during two of our songs, God is Great and Irresistible. They were fantastic, as they danced in praise to the Lord. It was exciting because it was a mixture of adults, teens, and kids...God has blessed this church with talent, and I look forward to more of this (although we will need a MUCH bigger place!).
4) We took communion, which to me is always a special time. It was a little clumsy in the first service because of the extra row in back, but it was good.
5) We had several visitors in both services, including a woman named Judy who lives right up the road (thanks to Don & Betty).

The sermon was a message of hope, although I know that in talking about the bride there were some differing views. It is all good. I actually enjoy people presenting me with different takes on doctrinal issues because it makes me examine my faith even more. Thank you to those who continue to challenge me (in good ways) in these areas. I hope that our dialogue produces, if nothing else, good camaraderie - but I hope that it produces a deeper understanding of the Word of God and makes us "iron sharpening iron."

What a great day to be at The Journey. Thank you to everyone who makes each Sunday a wonderful success, either in ministering or in participating or even in the good words I hear. Keep going - and let's see what the Lord does here in the next several months.

An update from Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX

Good morning!
Yesterday we had several of the victims either in our church or in the Spanish church in our services. Needless to say it was a very emotional service and people were at the altar praying. Seven of the Hispanic young men accepted Christ as Lord and Savior yesterday! They also provided fro these folk a tremendous meal with all their people. Our church is providing hot meals for them every day for this week and then the Spanish church the next week. It is just tremendous to see God working in the midst of this.
I have included some photos of the folk we - and you with us - are helping to take care of and of only a few of the supplies that have started to come in. We did not get pictures yet of all the things we have or are coming in today. There are only a few of the evacuees here in these photoso as well as the others already left for Mississippi and Louisiana (see next paragraph). They have literally nothing but their vehicles and the clothes on their back.
They are all from Mississipi literally on just the other corner across from New Orleans. Several of the men received word they could go and take supplies showing their driver license. They were allowed to go in after 6 am and leave by 3 pm. They took supplies we have stocked up now and take it to the suffering there. The number one request has been for fresh water. We pray for them as they take these supplies in and get back safely. One friend of theirs called and said that there was already a 5 mile line waiting to get in.
We continue to work and help these and others in our area especially, the constant flow of cash donations and tangible items are allowing us to be the light of Christ before them. Thank you for your part in this.
Serving Him,
The Swaims
Pastor, Central Baptist Church of Pasadena (Houston), Texas

Pictures from refugee relief at Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX. Posted by Picasa

Pictures from refugee relief at Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX. Posted by Picasa

Pictures from refugee relief at Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX. Posted by Picasa

Pictures from refugee relief at Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX. Posted by Picasa

Pictures from refugee relief at Central Baptist Church in Pasadena, TX. Posted by Picasa