Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006

It is becoming awfully easy for us to predict when snow will fall around here - sometime on a weekend, probably on Sunday! This was the second week in a row we had snow, but for the most part, few people stilled home.

Our first crowd was a bit under-sized and sleepy - I think they would admit that. But a large majority of our part decided to show up at the lat service, and quite honestly, it was a very good service. The music was hitting on all cylinders, and the receptivity to the message from Ephesians 1:3 was tremendous, as so many Christians came down to the altar to begin walking in the truth - God is a blessed God who desires to bless us and has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Rather than wait, people decided to walk in the truth right then, right there. As we continue our focus on truth through Ephesians, I am excited to see the results of Christians having their lives transformed. Good stuff.

We actually had a bunch of visitors today from the area, people that I hope will join us again. Some of them came because of a good word from another church in Maine (about an hour away), and then some others were invites. It is a great thing to have new faces week after week as the Lord brings people through our doors. Thank you to all of you who invite your family and friends. May the Lord continue to change lives through this place.

If you missed today, we missed you, we really did. But you missed out, you really did. The Holy Spirit is planting this seed at The Journey, this seed of revelation and truth that is getting ready to sprout. When it does, watch out! :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sunday, January 8, 2006 - the beginning of Ephesians

Snow was the surprise element outside this morning, and I am sure that it prevented some from coming to church - SIGH! But we had a good crowd (about 100) who showed up and worshiped with us. This was a good day for several reasons - if you are missing out, you need to start showing up! Reasons why you need to be at church...

1) The worship is great! Our praise band, week after week, continues to excel and draws people into an exciting and intimate time of worship. But I am VERY excited as we continue our musical transition, bringing in Bill and Sharon Gaudet in to take over the worship. I just cannot wait until it is fully released, and they have the ability to usher us into God's presence every week. This week's worship continue our move out of Christmas and into some greater levels of intimacy.

2) The people are encouraging and real. I love this church because every person is real. These aren't Sunday Christians who are fake - as a matter of fact, our people go from real to raw. They don't hide and don't play games. And that's good - but God sees to the heart (Jeremiah 17). And the people are encouraging - not saying that we always get "it" right, but we have people who genuinely help and encourage others.

3) The word is coming from Ephesians, focusing on the Truth that will set us free this year. I am more excited about this study through Ephesians than about any other sermon series I have preached - it is going to be good as we unload all that God has for us from this book.

You don't want to miss what's ahead here at The Journey - MANY things in the next month:
  • January 15-21 - Small groups start again
  • Sunday, January 29 - Charter Sunday when we ratify our first ever constitution - also BAPTISM Sunday (if you are interested in getting baptized, email me.)
  • Saturday, February 4 - Annual Vision Night
  • Sunday, February 5 - Super Bowl Sunday and Tailgate Party
  • Friday and Saturday February 10 & 11 - DA2LJ Training
  • Sunday, February 19 - Missionaries to Mongolia, Chris and Stephanie Ballinger will be in our services with us.
So much is happening right now - and it is a great time to be at The Journey.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

From God to me to you...

I wanted to share an insight that I received this morning in my devotions with you...
Passion and vision spark me - they excite me. You show me somebody who is passionate and has vision, and I will show you somebody who has the firstfruits of being a great leader. Reading today in I Thessalonians 2, two statements Paul makes get me excited. One is his response to the church, and the other is the church's response to him.

1) His response to the church - vs. 8 "We loved you so much that we gave you not only God's Good News but our own lives, too." This is passion. The job was to preach the Gospel. But the ministry and passion was that Paul and his leaders gave so much more - they gave themselves, too. These weren't hired hands, denominational appointees, traveling evangelists with an eye on the money - these were men who told people that God loved them and then demonstrated that love. YOu see, preaching is the easy part. If all there was to pastoring was preaching, then the best pastors would be the best teachers and most intelligent communicators. But that's not it. The pastor's heart and feet are just as important as the pastor's mouth, if not more. Ok - he preaches really good. In what ways is he invested in his people. The message isn't the only part of the investment, the only part of pastoring. It's giving our lives for people.

The people at Thessalonica were no different than people today (outside of cultural differences). They laughed and loved; they experienced pain, hardship and death; they struggled with the government and taxes and making a living; they had to trust God with their finances and life situations; they could get bad attitudes and question authority - they were normal regular Joe's and Jane's just like we have today - although back then they were regular Justus's and Priscilla's.

2) The church's response to Paul - Paul's investment of himself and the Gospel message brought about a response that every pastor would KILL for, but few are willing to PAY for. Notice verse 13 - "And we will never stop thanking God that when we preached his message to you, you didn't think of the words we spoke as being just our own. You accepted what we said as the very word of God--which, of course, it was. And this word continues to work in you who believe." The response of the people was to accept the words of Paul and the leaders who surrounded him as the very word of God! But that acceptance was due to the initial investment. The church there trusted Paul because they saw his compassion for them, his labor for them, and his desire for them to grow. It wasn't only that his words were authoratative, but his life was authoratative!

But lest we get some who doubt and say that their acceptance of his words "as the very word of God" was extended because of Paul's apostleship, note that Paul uses the words "we" - he is not speaking only of himself. The letter of 1 Thessalonians was from Paul, Silas, and Timothy (see 1:1) - one apostle and two pastors! The words of Pastors Silas and Timothy were accepted as the very word of God!

Lord, as I invest my life into my people, may they receive the words You give through me without question and as being from You!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Day 2006

I always appreciate nice comments about a message or service, and I was blessed when one of the women in our church said that this message was "exactly what I needed to hear." I spoke today on "Resolving to Have a Happy New Year," going from Ephesians 5:15-17, invited people to keep an eye on the time, make the most of opportunities, and know what God wants them to do. A fitting message for a new year. I can hardly believe it is 2006! At some point, I will do a "year in review:2005" - I am excited about what this year brings.

We did a combined service again today, but I think the snow kept some away. We had close to 100, but many people were missing - still in holiday mode! :)

Today was an important day for two reasons:
1) we handed out the preliminary copies of our first church constitution. This document will define who we are and what we do for years to come, and I am excited to get it solidified.
2) Bill Gaudet, our new worship minister, took a small step toward leading today and did a good job. I am working to transition that ministry over to him completely by the end of January, and I think that will happen without a hitch.

Good stuff to begin a good new year. Next week we begin a sermon series from Ephesians, starting our year of walking in the truth. I appreciate your prayers in regards to my preparation and delivery of these messages.