Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am so grateful to pastor a church like The Journey. The diversity represented in our backgrounds along with the commitment and passion of our people is refreshing. Today was a day where there was passion and commitment demonstrated - even awkwardly at times - from our people, but I love when people get excited about Jesus Christ.

Today was a good day at The Journey - the music and the preaching was good. We introduced the song, "Better is One Day" from Psalm 84 to our people, which went well. My message was the completion of last week's message. "After This-the Coming," focusing on the names of Christ at His coming. It was one of the more enjoyable, excitable sermons that I have preached - I am passionate when speaking about the love of Christ that extends to us - the love that extended to us through Jesus Christ as the Word of God in John 1 and Isaiah 63:7.

Our attendance today was 96, and I missed several of our members who were away today (you know who you are!). I look forward to worshiping again with you. We did have a few visitors from the area - Johnathon and Lauren in the 2nd service, and Coleen in the first service. I hope to see them again.

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