Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006

It is becoming awfully easy for us to predict when snow will fall around here - sometime on a weekend, probably on Sunday! This was the second week in a row we had snow, but for the most part, few people stilled home.

Our first crowd was a bit under-sized and sleepy - I think they would admit that. But a large majority of our part decided to show up at the lat service, and quite honestly, it was a very good service. The music was hitting on all cylinders, and the receptivity to the message from Ephesians 1:3 was tremendous, as so many Christians came down to the altar to begin walking in the truth - God is a blessed God who desires to bless us and has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Rather than wait, people decided to walk in the truth right then, right there. As we continue our focus on truth through Ephesians, I am excited to see the results of Christians having their lives transformed. Good stuff.

We actually had a bunch of visitors today from the area, people that I hope will join us again. Some of them came because of a good word from another church in Maine (about an hour away), and then some others were invites. It is a great thing to have new faces week after week as the Lord brings people through our doors. Thank you to all of you who invite your family and friends. May the Lord continue to change lives through this place.

If you missed today, we missed you, we really did. But you missed out, you really did. The Holy Spirit is planting this seed at The Journey, this seed of revelation and truth that is getting ready to sprout. When it does, watch out! :)

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