Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sunday, January 8, 2006 - the beginning of Ephesians

Snow was the surprise element outside this morning, and I am sure that it prevented some from coming to church - SIGH! But we had a good crowd (about 100) who showed up and worshiped with us. This was a good day for several reasons - if you are missing out, you need to start showing up! Reasons why you need to be at church...

1) The worship is great! Our praise band, week after week, continues to excel and draws people into an exciting and intimate time of worship. But I am VERY excited as we continue our musical transition, bringing in Bill and Sharon Gaudet in to take over the worship. I just cannot wait until it is fully released, and they have the ability to usher us into God's presence every week. This week's worship continue our move out of Christmas and into some greater levels of intimacy.

2) The people are encouraging and real. I love this church because every person is real. These aren't Sunday Christians who are fake - as a matter of fact, our people go from real to raw. They don't hide and don't play games. And that's good - but God sees to the heart (Jeremiah 17). And the people are encouraging - not saying that we always get "it" right, but we have people who genuinely help and encourage others.

3) The word is coming from Ephesians, focusing on the Truth that will set us free this year. I am more excited about this study through Ephesians than about any other sermon series I have preached - it is going to be good as we unload all that God has for us from this book.

You don't want to miss what's ahead here at The Journey - MANY things in the next month:
  • January 15-21 - Small groups start again
  • Sunday, January 29 - Charter Sunday when we ratify our first ever constitution - also BAPTISM Sunday (if you are interested in getting baptized, email me.)
  • Saturday, February 4 - Annual Vision Night
  • Sunday, February 5 - Super Bowl Sunday and Tailgate Party
  • Friday and Saturday February 10 & 11 - DA2LJ Training
  • Sunday, February 19 - Missionaries to Mongolia, Chris and Stephanie Ballinger will be in our services with us.
So much is happening right now - and it is a great time to be at The Journey.

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