Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A summation of two weekend services

Please forgive me for my lack of updates for the last two weeks - a number of things have kept me away, so here is my attemt at catching up.

Sunday, January 22, 2006 - Something broke in my preaching during this service. I was very excited to preach about the blessing of election and how it impacts our Christian lives. But for me, I felt that God was behind my words. Not that I never feel this way, but the Lord is working in my life, shaping me and refining me, and I was just excited to deliver this word and to see the results. Praise God - He made it work, and it really hit home. This service was a good start as for the first time in weeks, we did not have snow on a Sunday. We also had 142, which was our highest non-special event total ever. I really feel as if we have hit a time of favor with God, and He is blessing us in new ways.

Sunday, January 29, 2006 - Last Sunday was favorable, and this day was also favorable but with distractions - flickering lights, plumbing issues, etc. These tried to hinder our worship at times, but the message was received fairly well as looked at the blessing of adoption, and how we can "say it anyway!" Our attendance was good at 132.

Today was special because I was able to baptize 2 wonderful kids, Andrea and Alex (Veronica's kids). It is always a wonderful thing to baptize children who are just beginning their Christian lives, and who know that Jesus Christ is their Savior. A friend of the Gauthier's that visited for Andrea & Alex's baptism also prayed and invited the Lord into her life - pray as we follow up with this. I will post pictures of the baptism when I receive them.

God is moving at The Journey - we have hit a good spot, and I am excited about what is coming up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Say it anyway ! I love that. A simple yet profound truth that the Lord has " revealed" to us. With out a doubt God spoke to us through that Word. This takes us all out of the spectator mode. It doesn't really matter how we "FEEL"
we can declare what God is saying and we already realize that death and life are in the power of the tongue. OUR tongue ! My tongue,your tongue. That word has caused me to be more aware of what I am speaking and what I am claiming as my own.This word changes the definition of what is real. What's real is what God says. That's what's real.God doesn't lie but my feelings often do. "Thankyou Lord for this awesome word that is setting your people free to be what YOU have called them to be!" Thankyou Pastor Rob for speaking the word of the Lord.