Thursday, March 29, 2007

A question about unity and multiple meetings...

Regularly I receive questions and suggestions from different members of The Journey asking me about issues and topics specifically related to this body. One of these came this past week from a wonderful person in the body. She wrote, "I had an idea that I thought I would share with both of you (Rod and myself). I think that spring/summer is almost here we should think about having church service outside at a park somewhere in the mountains or by the ocean or somewhere else so that all of the congregation can enjoy all that God has created and there wouldn't be the identification of "I'm from first service" or 'I'm from second service.' I think the identification should be 'I'm from The Journey church.' "

Part of our mission here is that we are traveling toward God - we have a safe place to explore faith and faith-related issues, and this suggestion is a great example of someone feeling safe to think "outside of the box." I hope that The Journey grows in this way - a safe place to travel - a safe place to travel in freedom get the idea.

So I thought about this, and while I am not sure how it would work logistically, the desire behind it is for unity. We CAN maintain unity even though we are divided physically (and probably will be divided again with a third service soon - stay tuned for details)? But a way to help this is to meet as a congregation together occasionally, and when we met outside at our birthday celebration last year that it was great. We will plan on doing this a few times during the summer (weather permitting).

Jesus was passionate about unity, and so am I. Even though our circumstances are a little difficult for maintaining unity as a physical expression (an entire congregation), it is not something that we need to struggle with as a body. We CAN be unified in our worship, in our efforts, in our love for each other and for our community. There is more to our unity than being able to congregate as an entire body (although it is a great thing).

All in all, I encourage this church to keep thinking outside the box, and know that we travel toward God together in community to reach our culture. Who knows, maybe God will bless us with a meeting place large enough to house all of us plus many more. Stay tuned...Pastor

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