Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunday, May 15, 2005

This is an abbreviated version because I was not here to know much about this service, so let me give you what I do know, and then anyone can feel free to publish their thoughts.

Lee Thompson stepped in and preached for me while I was away, and Lee spoke on "The Truth about Untruth." From the reports I have heard, Lee and his message were very well received, and the Lord used this message to speak to many people. I am so grateful that God has given us gifted men and women to do so many things at The Journey.

The attendance for this Sunday was 95, and from what I understand, this was a great day to be at The Journey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great day to be at the Journey! The Word that God spoke through Lee was a real foundational word. Our human emotions are not capable of descerning truth .To know that, deep in our spirits is a stepping stone into receiving continual revelation from the Spirit of Truth.To know the Truth ( Jesus Christ) and becoming free. Thankyou Lee. Thankyou Rob for the excellent delegation.