Monday, January 17, 2005

Sunday, January 16th, 2005

We had a great service today, as I continued the month of sermons on "Experiencing the Community of Jesus," talking about "One-anothering," and the missing ingredient in too many churches, including ours.

The music went well today, as it was good to have Audrey back and singing with us, and it was the first time that we had the live drums without any Christmas music. The people really responded to it, and it went well. They were applauding at the end of two different

We had 83 people in church today, with 10 visitors. Several people were missing, so much so that if we had everyone there, we would have had over 100! I am now convinced that we must go to two services, and we will begin that on Sunday, March 27th. I am undecided about the times, but it is time!

I didn't give an official invitation today, so there are no altar results to report. But I challenged our people to ask God to show them where they needed to be more focused on others, and it was a good day. Oh, and the Patriots beat the Colts today...praise God!

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