Thursday, January 25, 2007

Further notes from Lee's Message

From vss.1-5: I outlined these verses in the margin of my Bible this way:

  • Sacrifice – The Macedonian believers gave sacrificially
  • Sharing – They understood the “Koinonia” principal God desires for His church
  • Surrender – They gave themselves first to God
  • Submission – They understood Biblical authority and submitted themselves to it.

They were not a bunch of “Maverick” Christians. I think the

application for us is the local church, i.e. The Journey. Each one of

us needs to submit to and commit to The Journey and its leadership

and to the vision God gives them. God is into the local church!

From vss. 6-9: We, the church of America…and yes, The Journey… excel in so many ways. We are very gifted! Let us “excel also in this gracious ministry of giving.” Let us, as individuals be very “koinonikos” (free in giving). Let us, as a church be “koinonikos”.

We talk about loving each other, and other believers, and those who are yet lost; and of course, we talk of loving the Lord. Talk proves nothing. If our love is real, it must be manifest by what do…how we give. We have as an example the Lord Jesus Christ. He didn’t just talk of loving us. He proved it by impoverishing Himself for our sakes. Will we prove our love by impoverishing ourselves for the Lord…for His church…for the Journey and the vision of reaching our culture?

From vss. 10-15: Here’s my fear…for myself and for our church. I am afraid that we would be moved by this message, that we would begin to talk about altering our lifestyles in order to have our share in this gift of generosity, and that we might even begin to do something about it; but that in the process of time, the excitement, the enthusiasm, and the zeal might fade; and that we might end up not following through until we can truly say “Mission accomplished!”…until we have reached our culture and God’s Kingdom is established. What can we do to ensure that this fear does not come to fruition?

“If you are really eager to give, it isn’t important how much you give.” Don’t let this be an excuse for not giving liberally and sacrificially. A good cross reference to get a good perspective is Mark 12:41-44. Would you be willing to give “the widow’s mite” (all you have)?

The “body” principal is brought out here. If one part of the body is lacking, the whole body suffers. Remember “koinonia”? I can’t emphasize this enough! God built the koinonia principal into His creation; and it is His design for the church!

It’s interesting that Paul would quote from Exodus 16:18 here. Go back and look at this verse in its context; then think about this: If we are greedy and hoard our wealth and possessions for ourselves, could it be that it will rot away and become a stench. For me, this puts a different perspective on my finances, my possessions, my time, my talents and abilities, etc.

From vss.8:16-9:4: I won’t comment too much on these verses except to say that they have to do with good stewardship and accountability with the money brought into the church. We, the church, need to be “up front” with every penny we receive. This is very important. This is just one reason that I think we should give primarily to and through our local church. “We are careful to be honorable before the Lord, but we also want everyone else to know we are honorable.” (8:21)

From vss.9:5-10: Why do many of us struggle with this idea of generous giving? Why do we so often get our hackles up when someone speaks on this topic, or when someone makes us aware of a need with the intention that we should respond by giving? Well, perhaps it is because of a misunderstanding or unbelief as to what giving is all about and/or the “koinonia” principal. Some of us, I think, view giving as sort of “paying our dues”. When the topic comes up, it comes across to us like “God has done so much for you. The least you can do is give back to Him a portion of what you have received.” While that may be true, that is not what this rich gift of generosity is about at all. God doesn’t need us or our money. And what He has given us is a gift. Don’t insult God by trying to pay for it. The rich gift of generosity is a gift He has offered to us. Its part of our inheritance! So don’t ever feel pressured to give. Understand that God has offered you the wonderful privilege of partnering with Him and His church…the universal church and The Journey…in what He is doing. And here’s the thing: The more you give, the greater you receive! No, I’m not talking about “give to get” because Paul wasn’t talking about that. A farmer who doesn’t sow all of his seed or does not fill all of his fields with seed, for fear of adverse weather conditions or for whatever reason, will have a limited harvest. We not only reap what we sow, we reap according to how much we sow. I want everything God has for me, don’t you? So I’m planting all of my seed. First I give myself to God…all of me…everything I am, and everything I have. (Remember 8:5) Then I give myself to our church and its leadership…all of me…everything I am and everything I have. If this Kingdom stuff is fallacy…if I’m wrong about this idea of partnering with God in what He is doing to restore His creation…or if God should fail in this (as if He could), I am bankrupt…belly up! For me, its Christ or bust! I’m throwing everything in! How about you? Are you in?

Each one of us needs to make up our own mind as to how much we give. “Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure.”

How could the Macedonian believers (and how can we) give more than they (or we) could afford? They understood the source of everything they had. God is the “Fount of every blessing”. I encourage you to give generously and sacrificially because “God will generously provide everything you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share…For God is the one who gives seed to the farmer and then bread to eat.”

From vss. 9:11-14: Maybe this is the best part of all! If we do this…if we choose to partner with God and give generously and sacrificially, two things are going to happen. Needs are going to be met and God is going to receive glory! Friends…Partners, that is why we were created; and that is why God chose us to be His partners; and that is why He has blessed us…to be a blessing to others and to glorify Him! We do our part and thanksgiving and praise to God will break out because people will understand that God is everything He claims to be. That, for me, is worth living for? Are you in?

From 9:15: I don’t think Paul is speaking of Jesus here, although Jesus is indeed a gift too wonderful for words. The NLT says “Thank God for His Son…” Other versions speak only of an “inexpressible gift”. I believe the gift Paul is talking about is this rich gift of generosity…this opportunity to partner with God. Imagine that! Koinonia with God! Are you in?


Anonymous said...

Quote from Lee)
Here’s my fear…for myself and for our church. I am afraid that we
would be moved by this message, that we would begin to talk about
altering our lifestyles in order to have our share in this gift of
generosity, and that we might even begin to do something about it; but
that in the process of time, the excitement, the enthusiasm, and the
zeal might fade; and that we might end up not following through until
we can truly say “Mission accomplished!”…until we have reached our
culture and God’s Kingdom is

God always has the answer!

Matt 13:18
Hear then the parable of the sower. (20) The one on whom seed was
sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and
immediately receives it with joy;

21 yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and
when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately
he falls away.

This word of fellowship as with every word that God speaks to us
will not be performed by the "Natural"man or more literal translation
by the "soulish"man. It says somewhere that until it was fulfilled in
Joseph the word of the Lord tried him. I think it goes way beyond
altering our lifestyle or changing our behavior. Contained with in
the word of God is His very nature. John 1:1 In the beginning was the
WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God. The carnal man
will not be, actually Romans 8 says CANNOT be subject to God.That
word will first lay us open IF we will embrace it. Plow up the fallow
ground. We need root ! We need HIS word to take root in our heart.We
need a nature change to be able to truely walk in any word that God
speaks. But if we have hearts of stone then not a lot of seed can get
down in the cracks. Granted, if some does it will grow. We've all
seen the trees on the side of the road growing up through the middle
of a boulder. But one tree is a far cry from the fruit that God is
looking for from our lives.Perhaps our initial response should be
worship and repentence. Plowing up the stoney ground of our hearts and
refusing to lean on our own understanding.Acknowledging him with all
our hearts. Radicaly proclaiming and claiming this word for our
selves,our families our church and even our communities.
We have yet to tap into true whole heartedness. God help us.Help me
to not be just an observer,a spectator. Observers and spectators
become judges and critics. " Arm chair quarterbacks" Oh Lord.......
deliver us. Amen

Rod Kesselring said...

Wow Ed... I receive that word
Gal 3:3 reminds us

3 Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by human effort?

We must continue to be reminded that it is through the spirit that we move and breath and have our being. This is not our work it is Christ work in us.

Thank you both for what you bring to our community
