Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sorry for the delay in posting these things - I was out of town until today and didn't have the chance...

Today was a good day here at The Journey. The music was good, although I realized after we began that it was a little too mundane - not enough variety, which might have impacted the response. I will try to do better in perceiving that beforehand, creating a music set that invites more participation and variety. You can take that for whatever it's worth - it's just a worship leader's note. :)

We did intro a new song, Meet With Me, which was received ok - the verdict is out, but I pray that people will receive the invitational spirit behind it and make it a beginning prayer for each service - I'm here to meet with You - come and meet with me. I'm here to find You - reveal Yourself to me. Lord, as we get together, may the Journey be a place that You continually inhabit!

Lee preached today, talking about the importance of our fellowship together, and giving ourselves to the mission of the church. The head microphone was out during the first service, which made it a little difficult to hear, but it was working during the second. I thank God for the message Lee brought, and I thank God for the men of this church who fill the pulpit while I'm gone.

I will post Lee's further comments below so that you can see some of the things he had to skip - take some time and review them for your own personal study. Today was a good day - we had 154 in attendance, and God continues to bless this body.

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