Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Today was a good day, but perhaps a little different a day than we have experienced in a while. To begin, we had two deaths in our extended church family that was fresh on people's minds, and I think that led to a sort of lethargic feeling at times. But what I had to preach on from Ephesians 2:1-3 was a difficult subject - before we knew Christ, we were dead in our trespasses and sins, hopeless and helpless, BUT GOD stepped in - it was sweet to praise the Lord after preaching that message, singing Amazing Grace.

Our attendance today was 120, a little down from last week, and we had many people away. It happens, right? But if you missed, know that you were missed!

A couple of notes about today:
  • Bill did another great job with the music - for the first time ever, I did not step in and do anything during the music - I just preached. I love that.
  • Corey did a great job on the drums.
  • I love what God is doing in our midst as we struggle at times. He shows Himself faithful, and I thank God for those who lend support and strength to others in crisis and need.
Each and every week, I come with anticipation to see what God is going to do next - it is so exciting to me to see the Lord work. In just a short time, The Journey has gone from small and insignificant to a growing force of believers who, while not perfect, truly seek God with their lives and in their hearts.

One further word: there is so much going on in our church body, so much to pray about, so many lives that the Lord is pruning and purifying. Satan would desire to snuff this church out through gossip, malicious talk, rumors, envy, and any other method. Let us refuse to be people who deal in these things - they have no place in this Place, God's PLACE. If you find yourself doing one of these things, things you know you should not, stop, ask God's forgiveness, and refuse to do it again.

God is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that I was able to find this site for the blog for last Sunday. I was out sick that day and it was still another sermon that I would of liked to have heard and I can safely say Rob, you did it again. Again, you are preaching to me even if you don't think you are, you do. The enemy has gotten the best of me and my husband last week and this week. He has me right where he wants me. He had me sick as a dog and not able to leave and hear those words that I needed to hear. I can't wait to go tomorrow to the marriage seminar as we need it more than most. LOL......I also can't wait to go to church this Sunday. I have come to the conclusion that I need God. Wow, what an amazing thought huh, I need God. Little Miss Pam needs God. He is good and he definately is at his works with me. I don't know how he deals with me at times. I have said and thought a lot of bad things this week but God forgives. He lets the bad go and lets the good in. He is great! Thanks Rob for posting the blog for last week's Sermon. I might just have to start buying those CDs that you make so I can hear it all week to keep me on track with who is the best, God. Thank you all... I love you.