Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Today was a day for dedicating babies here at The Journey, as we dedicated Samantha Johnson, Abigail Hampton, and Rachel Gibson to the Lord. It was a nice little ceremony (no pun intended), and we had 165 combined in our services today! On top of that, we had four people pray with me at the end of the service that they had invited Jesus Christ into their lives for the first time, including an aunt and uncle that were visiting for the baby dedication. I am anxious to follow up on this.

Because of the amount of people that we had, it has caused us to have to look at a 3rd service - which will be difficult but necessary. Even without our baby dedication visitors, we would have still had 150, so this is something that I would covet your prayers on.

Other notes from today:
  • Bill did a GREAT job with the music, and I believe he has probably turned a corner (which I am very excited about) in his leadership. He is actually starting to lead worship, which is such a great thing, and I was very happy with the worship overall.
  • I finished up my sermons from Ephesians 1, albeit probably a quicker ending than I would have liked to, but it was time to move on.
  • Today, later on in the afternoon, I met with our new deacons for the first time, and I am excited about what these men will mean to our church. One of our first orders of business is assessing our financial situation so that we can set ourselves up to investigate clearing land, upgrading our current buildings, and building a newer building.
Overall, it was a great day, as we had our highest regular attendance ever! God is good.

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