Our attendance today was 120, a little down from last week, and we had many people away. It happens, right? But if you missed, know that you were missed!
A couple of notes about today:
- Bill did another great job with the music - for the first time ever, I did not step in and do anything during the music - I just preached. I love that.
- Corey did a great job on the drums.
- I love what God is doing in our midst as we struggle at times. He shows Himself faithful, and I thank God for those who lend support and strength to others in crisis and need.
One further word: there is so much going on in our church body, so much to pray about, so many lives that the Lord is pruning and purifying. Satan would desire to snuff this church out through gossip, malicious talk, rumors, envy, and any other method. Let us refuse to be people who deal in these things - they have no place in this Place, God's PLACE. If you find yourself doing one of these things, things you know you should not, stop, ask God's forgiveness, and refuse to do it again.
God is good.