Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sunday, October 23, 2005 - week 3

Last year in the fall we experienced a tremendous harvest, where people were coming and inviting the Lord into their lives, and where new families were joining us. We went from an average weekly attendance in July 2004 of 40 to a December 2004 average weekly attendance of 66. This year we started January averaging 73 per week, and in September we averaged 106. God is continuing to use this church to minister and to lead people to Him.

Sunday, October 23rd, was a Sunday of harvest here at The Journey. To begin, It was the 3rd week in our 40 Days Campaign, and it was GREAT! Our attendance was 113, even though we were missing many people (I sound like a broken record, but this is true almost every week - YOU ARE MISSED~!). But we had 9 visitors in both services, and this is where I am excited. A few stories...

Randy & Shirley Tullis had been to our 40 Days small group (Pastor & Krista's) for the past two weeks, and they came to The Journey for the first time today. Because of their previous small group experience, they fit right in and immediately knew people. What a great thing to witness. But beyond that, they both rededicated their lives to God and are going to be regular parts of this church body.

Another exciting story are two visitors, one back for the 2nd time and she brought her husband for the first time. They attend a small group in one of our leader's homes, and I am so excited about what God is doing in these folks lives. During the invitation to respond at the end of my message, the husband raised his hand and invited Jesus Christ into his life for the first time! Please pray that we have more opportunity to lead this couple, and to speak into their lives.

Finally, we had a young woman visit with us who at the end of the second service raised her hand to commit her life to Christ, and who later on also visited one of our 40 Days small groups!

I am SO excited to see the Lord working at The Journey, as people's hearts are turned to the Father's. Our small groups continue to go well, and the excitement from developing these in-depth relationships is refreshing. A great Sunday to be at The Journey, and I look forward to God doing more of the same next week.

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