Friday, October 28, 2005

Some small group notes from all around...

It has been a busy week - and so my reports are late - but here they are for all to see!
From Andy & Kim Becker's group:

I think our group was awesome last night!!! Zulma came – with food! – she is very warm and friendly. We started with our pot luck dinner and chatted a little while eating. Our group members basically introduced themselves to her right off the bat! We have very friendly people who showed great examples of Christian fellowship! Right before the video I quickly introduced her to the group formally, and explained to her the format of our meetings. We enjoyed the video on fellowship because Pastor Warren seemed to have quite a few good jokes in there.

After the video I immediately asked the group what they thought fellowship meant – this group was not in Sunday services so didn’t hear your sermon. The discussion never stopped! We talked about sharing and bonding and the differences between doing that with fellow Christians and non-believers. We discussed personal stories of when other believers came to our aid and how much that meant to us…there were several stories of the unquestioning love of fellow Christians.

We also had a great discussion about “loving your neighbor” and how that’s not always easy to do. We talked about what love really means – you’re not always going to like someone, even someone in your own church, but it’s our faith that will help us to love all. (The book I’m reading, “The Jesus Creed”, had some great points that I used to further the discussion of Christian love!)

At the end of our group, we had a short prayer…and then the discussion got rolling again!!! ...We all talked about different fellowship practices and beliefs in different churches. We talked about how to remind ourselves about fellowship and loving others, during our days when those concepts are not so easy to remember! There was a great discussion about what heaven really was and what other believers and non-believers think heaven means. How do you get there without the love of Christ and the grace of God? And how do you get there if you are unwilling to even TALK about God and Christ? How do you measure goodness and love without the example of Jesus Christ?

What a night! I think it actually went to 9:00 when the last person left…Sarah said she is interested in bringing a friend and she wants to come to this Sunday service. Zulma also said she is coming back to the Journey and we invited her boyfriend to our group and to church. God was absolutely there last night!!! He was the glue for this group!!!

From Kathy Boston's group:
Our Group also was wonderful! Spent the first half hour snacking at the table, then went in and watched the video. Lori opened up last night and we all shared tears with her about things going on in her life.....tears with Kriss G........tears with Pam C........and then laughter and hugs....tied it all in with worshiping and how to talk with God. Things that make worship good and help us feel comfortable in a church. Good discussions on that prayer doesn't have to be a "formal" prayer time but should be a constant to focus on Him when things are really going bad..... Had a nice time of singing. I am amazed at how God works to bring us all closer together. Lori came into my house saying "Okay, I am in BIG TROUBLE....I have to get involved in a church. This weeks readings have convinced me!" So she said she will be in church this coming Sunday! :)

From Rob & Krista's group:
Tonight's group was another great night. One of the great things about our group is that everyone there is just nice and likeable. It was funny that when Rick Warren mentioned about an "EGR" in each group, we couldn't think of one (I know that you would never point it out, but it was true - we don't have one - or he/she hasn't been revealed yet!). We were only missing two people (Randy& Shirley who were out of town), but everyone else was there and we talked about fellowship and family. I think people are beginning to understand that church can go so much deeper than it does - that relationships are what determine how instrumental a church will be in your own personal life. We talked about how we have to really work at community - it doesn't come naturally for some of us (me especially), but you can see the bonds beginning to develop in the group. There is a genuine caring in and for each person. Who would have thought that CHURCH relationships could go deeper than Sundays??? I am excited about this group, and what the Lord is teaching us. I am grateful for small groups giving us the chance to explore relationships at a deeper level.

From Ed & Brenda Cormier's group:
We had our " Fellowship" meeting last night.In keeping with Rick Warrens' suggestion of having more than one person bring the lesson we had Ray as the facilitator last night.
We started with prayer and worship. We sang along with Hill song singers "Shout to the Lord" and before the song was over that's exactly what we were doing. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and we walked in the liberty to literally "shout to the Lord," it was wonderful. Everyone wanted to keep worshiping which is always a good note to end worship on,with everyone wanting to worship some more! We then watched the video and started our discussion time.
Part of our discussion included worship being the foundation of our fellowship. We all came from the same place,we all have the same father.As we worship Him our hearts are drawn together.Ray brought out the fact that where we are in our own walk with the Lord has a direct impact with our fellowship with one another. : If we walk in the light as He is in the light we have have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Ray read the parable about the seed and the soil. He then asked each of us to say what type of soil we thought we were. This exercises lead to some real honesty and also praying and encouraging certain individuals.Thus far we have not even come close to covering all the material.Time seems to race by.
Our snack time featured a surprise birthday cake for Cheri. We lit a candle and sang to her.I feel like we are just beginning to experience true fellowship in the spirit.The Father's family is beginning to really relate.

From Don & Betty's group:
Pam & Joe called to say they would be late; we said that was okay as Pete had a flat tire and he would be late. Amanda was early. She was introduced to Pam & Joe and they immediately talked about toxemic pregnacies as both had experienced that. Peter arrived; more intros and more talk and snacks. Seems like both families have a lot in common. After the video, we asked how do you become a member of God's family if your human family has not been an example to you? THAT brought to the surface a lot--which let everyone see that we all have had less than perfect backgrounds--more common ground. The answer we presented was through fellowship with our church familes we can learn to be more like Christ and learn to get along. ...Joe was quite talkative. Pete put in his two cents worth and we all laughed a lot but also I'm not sure if these young couples realized they were learning a lot. Like we all face the same problems, we can understand each other because we've been there too, we can openly share and help each other. There were no masks on. Also, Amanda helded Sam and got her to calm down (fussy time) and later Pam asked if I could hold her. Took her in the other room and laid her down and she just looked around while Don talked with the couples. It was 9:30 before everyone left! Pam said as they left, they weren't coming tonight but decided they needed it and would definitely becoming back next week. Praise God for His wisdom and goodness.


Thank you so much, Lord Jesus, for what You are doing at The Journey. Thank You for inviting us into Your plan for the kingdom of God here in this area.

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