Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sunday, June 12, 2005

107! That was today's attendance as the Lord continues to add to our number. We have seen so many people come to The Journey over the last two months, many repeats, and my goal now is to draw some of them in for membership. I would appreciate prayers on this as I talk to some about making commitments to the body.

I spoke today about "Blessed are the merciful" from Matthew 5:7. I borrowed this sermon from John Piper as I felt it really conveyed what I wanted to say about being merciful and showing mercy. I don't typically borrow messages as I like to do my own studying, but on occasion I will and add in my own flavor. It is so important that we show mercy to others, and I especially emphasized the necessity for that within the church. Too often we are all too willing to villify and be unforgiving towards others in the body of Christ, and it is shameful. I am excited to talk over the next three weeks about the last three beatitudes and how we can improve our relationships with others.

To the Journey family, I will tell you that it has been fantastic worshiping with you for the past month or so! So many of you come ready to praise the Lord and worship, and you are to be commended and encouraged to keep going. Keep worshiping during the week and preparing yourselves. The Lord is pleased when His children come with thankful hearts ready to rejoice.

Please be in prayer with me over one thing. I am just about ready to launch our church leaders into a small groups concept that will revolutionize our church, enabling it to grow and at the same time build a deeper intimacy. Please be in prayer with me about that.

I thank the Lord for His hand working at The Journey.

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