Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Journey Roofing Project, June 9-11, 2005

Well, after several delays, we finally this weekend replaced our sorry looking roof. It was a great experience for several reasons:
1) All the help, from the men on the roof to the volunteers on the ground to the cooking and cleaning crews...there are so many people to thank and name - you know who you are, and I cannot say "Thank you!" enough times.

2) We could not have picked two more hotter and humid days in New Hampshire than June 10 & 11 - the outside temperature was over 90 each day, and the roof was on fire at times, reaching well over 100 with the new shingles on. I have never drank so much water and not had to run to the restroom every two minutes! :)

3) We were spared miraculously from rain.
  • On Thursday evening, a few guys deshingled some of the roof to give us a head start, and we for the overnight we had just bare decking, unaware of impending torrential rain showers. That night, it poured outside - a block north of us it absolutely poured and all around us, but God providentially held off the rain so that our building did not get a drop of rain!
  • On Friday, with the same conditions, rain showers were all around the area, but not where we were. It didn't rain until we were ready to quit close to 6PM.
  • On Saturday, again, we had rain showers just down the road - but not a drop on us while we worked, praise the Lord! And the great thing was that the Lord used a breeze from those showers to cool us down as we worked in the afternoon.
4) We had great camaraderie as everyone worked together - men, women, and teens all helped out in different ways to get things done.

5) Finally, outside of one finger cut from Chris, a teen, we had no injuries, no falls, no "oops!" - all we left with was some soreness, some blisters, and some sunburn.

I praise the Lord that we completed this project. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us while we worked. The Lord listens to His children, and I believe it was a great day for The Journey.

Pictures of this project are below.

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