Sunday, April 03, 2005

Vision Night 2005

Tonight, Saturday, April 2nd, we had our second annual Vision Night. This night was great on so many levels, with only one aspect not being that great. So let me give you the scoop:

1) First, I presented our goals for this year, and focused particularly on our growth goals which are:
• 75 New Christians by next March.
• Baptize 50 new Christians.
• 150 in committed membership.
• Bring in/invite 400 visitors.
• Aim for 200 in attendance.

I believe in aiming high, and quite honestly, if our building were larger, we would hit 200 in attendance by year's end in my opinion.

2) Which brought us to the 2nd part of the evening - where I invited Ron Tripp from Barden Church Building Services to present to our people about some options that we have for building, and how we can get from where we currently are to where we want to be (no money to ready to build). Ron unfortunately did not do this, and I was pretty frustrated with his presentation. But beyond this dissappointment, our people were exposed to the need to build, and we will continue to keep this in front of them.

3) To end the evening, Pastor Anthony Milas from Granite State Baptist Church (our mother church) delivered a great message, challenging our people to dream and to push forward with the vision God had given to us. He paralleled our plight with last year's Red Sox team where Curt Schilling wore the t-shirt "Why not us?". He gave his own story when he assumed the leadership of GSBC, and said that someone forgot to tell God that you can't build a great church in New England! It was awesome.

We began and ended our meeting with some earnest prayer, asking God for His guidance and His blessing - what a great time! I do not know the count for the amount of people we had (around 40 adults), but I felt the Lord's presence as we set our affections and focus on Him in our pursuit of the kingdom of God here in Rochester.

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