Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005

Monumental. That's the word I would use to describe today for The Journey. Today was as important a day as we have had on a few levels...allow me to elaborate.

To begin, we switched to our two service format today - 9am & 11am. I will say that I was sure tired by the end of the 2nd service! Our first service was the larger one, as many people decided that was the service for them, but overall it was split 60%/40% in attendance. Both services went very well, with visitors in each one and a good energy. In our first service, at the invitation I had 6-7 people raise their hands that they prayed with me for forgiveness and a new way of life - praise God! Our 2nd service did not have any responses, but in each service we intro'd the song Holy is the Lord, and it was very well received. I finished out our month of Experiencing the Power of Jesus by talking about The Power That Never Dies from John 11. I felt it went pretty well. It was not the easiest thing preaching it twice in a row for various reasons, but it went well. (NOTE: Very soon we will have the audio of my sermons online on our church website.)

On top of the two services, we shattered our high attendance record from last weekend and had 117!!! I was just blown away by the attendance, and I am so excited about this two service format as it allows us the opportunity to grow without expanding immediately. I just pray that our people maintain their unity and that God enables us to move forward quickly.

The transitioning to two services went smoothly this week, with the bathroom problem being settled, the parking situation running pretty smoothly, and people's attitudes very good. I hope for many more weeks like this.

So far as moving forward, this week on Saturday (April 2nd), we will be doing our annual Vision Night, where I will be presenting the biggest part of our vision for 2005 and 2006 - building. I am excited to show our people what God can do, and I just pray that those who are with us every week will commit to this vision. This will be my biggest step of faith as a pastor as I move forward.

If you read this, let me give you a few things to pray for. Pray for our new believers - Satan attacks them so much. Also, pray for a matter of church purity that I need to deal with this week. I crave and appreciate your prayer support.

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