Friday, December 07, 2007

Early thoughts...

OK - I admit, it's early (actually, not really - it's 6:55am, but early enough for everyone to still be in bed) - and it's quiet (except for the sound of cars driving by and the clock on the wall at times ticking annoyingly loud) - but it's how I like it. As a matter of fact, I find that many of my blog thoughts are written when I am either really agitated or really calm - this happens to be the later...

As I look out to the southeastern sky this morning, it is pink and blue, like a newborn baby's bedroom colors - peaceful, calm, relaxing. And I have no idea what this day holds - which is exciting in some ways, but scary in others. I guess if I didn't have the Lord in my life, every day might be more scary than the last - I don't know.

But I am in the process of bringing my Sunday message together - it's been in my brain, but I haven't had the easiest time putting it down on paper...of course, as Elvis once sang, It's now or never... So my focus today will be bringing my thoughts into a coherent message about the peace that we can have through Jesus Christ - the peace that comes from the piece of hope we have (you really should listen to last week's message "A Glimmer of Hope" at to hear what I mean...and my kids are waking up).

But this whole idea of peace is fascinating to me - we don't live with enough peace in our lives. Oh, peace can come for a moment - like the "freeze-frame" moments where all seems right with the world, but generally speaking, we're all worried; we're all anxious - about kids, medical reports, high prices, being accepted by those we love, decisions we must make, our jobs, etc. - and life, if we are honest, is surprisingly absent of peace. Yet Jesus came to be the Prince of Peace. So I think I have a very large part of this peace process figured out, and it begins with hope that I spoke on last week. I am excited to flesh it out - frankly, I am excited to live it out....

So pink an blue are turning into gray and white - the day is dawning. Much love and peace to those who read. I am probably praying for you at some point...

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