Wednesday, May 09, 2007

More on tithing...

I have received some GREAT questions on tithing over the past few days, and I wanted to share one in particular that has actually popped up a few times. The question deals with the idea of bringing the "whole" tithe to the church, as I spoke on Sunday that breaking up the tithe is not bringing the whole tithe into the storehouse (Malachi 3:10). One of the ladies emailed me about this, and I wanted to share my answer with the whole body:

I think a closer look at Malachi 3:10 can give us a better idea of what it means to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. The storehouse in the Old Testament held the funds for four different groups - the widows, the orphans, the stranger, and the priests. The modern context then would suggest that the tithe is meant to finance the church that in turn distributes for ministry. The fact is, The Journey does give to missionaries, Christian education, projects, church planting, people in need in the community, community sponsorships - and as well supporting our children, teen, and adult ministries - AND paying me and a part time staff.

Here's the catch - who is the church? If the church distributes money, who is the Journey Church - it's all of us, right? Now here's the deal. Every time we need to spend money, I don't call for a vote or go to the church body. The elected deacons (elected by the church body) along with myself decide where money goes - who gets what.

Sometimes the deacons don't need to get involved, and I myself, as the pastor, distribute money to needy causes as well (although I have a cap on spending and everything is recorded). But even beyond that, individuals within the church can request (and bring about) for us to fund/underwrite different causes. Regardless, the distribution of our funds is a church matter. Using checks and balances, we do everything we can to operate the finances in accordance with how God leads (and with the IRS!), specifically to affect the world around us in as many good ways as possible. Overall, with the tithes the church receives, the church endeavors to be financially responsible and effective.

Now, imagine if everyone brought the whole tithe to the church - if everyone did their part, then this church could really make an impact for Jesus Christ in this area. Right now, too many split up the tithe (or don't bring the tithe), and our church has to move forward at a much slower pace. We need to hire another staff member and we need to build- but because the tithe gets broken up, WE have to wait until enough money comes in before making either of those kind of commitments - it is actually a difficult matter. But I am trusting that as I teach on this, that people will realize that level of effectiveness that we can have and not only involve themselves financially, but get involved in BEING the church! What a great thing that would be! :)

Thanks for the dialogue. God has been and continues to be so good to The Journey.

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