Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007 - the Ride of Your Life

Today was week 9 of the Heroes series, and it was all about the ride of your life through the power of community. Rod preached and used the analogy of whitewater rafting to demonstrate how community can get us through the rapids of life, and he spoke on Lydia from Acts 16 who pursued community, persisted through difficulties, and re-played the memories of the community in Philippi. At the end of the service, I asked people to commit to community by allowing changes to happen and to embracing the future. Traveling together in community is part of our mission, but we haven't always succeeded at fostering community. The mission is good, but sometime the strategy isn't, and so I just asked the congregation to be patient as we pursued more strategic ways to help foster community. It was good.

The worship service went well, especially in the second service as we reached a good place - but for the time, I would have stayed there a little longer. I am eagerly looking forward to our Night of Worship on Easter Sunday night.

It was a good day at The Journey, with many visitors. I thank God that He continues to bring people our way, and we had our highest attendance of the year at 164. Thank You, Lord.

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