Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday, July 23, 2006 - Recognizing the Season...

Today was a great day at The Journey. Simply put, I felt like so many things were running on all cylinders, and it was a great thing to experience. But maybe the thing that was hitting on all cylinders was that I personally felt in tune with the Spirit, from the beginning moments of the praise band's early morning practice time (7:45) right up through the end when I was just sitting around, talking and sharing with Jon and Lauren - the Lord was there, and I hesitated to leave...

But it was good. There was an excitement and passion for the worship today - from "You, You are God" all the way to "We Fall Down." Bill did a fantastic job on the electric guitar solo in "We Fall Down," and everything just flowed. I thank God for days like today.

The word was the word - we talked about recognizing the season in your life that you are going through, and knowing when to fight - taken from 2 Samuel 5. I will be using email this week to expand on this message, promoting conversation and more looking into this passage - I pray that it continues to expand the word in our hearts like water into a sponge.

We had several visitors with us today - my sister in law Rochelle and her two boys (Brandon and Nathan), along with David Goodwin's parents. It was nice to talk with them after church. We had 149 in church, and I think we are building steam towards a great fall season. God is GOOD!


Ed said...

The Word of the Lord to us on Sunday was ............awesome....We must walk in this.This must be each person's experience. I think one of the greatest strong holds is the lack of awareness that there are strongholds.We live each day without the awareness of the Lord. We perceive evey circumstance on a natural level unaware of the spiritual roots that motivate what's going on around us. The enemy blinded us to the truth that his mission is to distroy us.To keep us from being those worshippers that our Father seeks.Strong holds are more than just some sin in my life. Sin is the result of a root disobedience to my creator.Romans says that my flesh cannot be subject to the Lord so the enemy only has to keep me living in the flesh. Then even God will resist me. Balaam told the king that he couldn't prophecy against God's people but if the king could get God's people to inter-marry and mix with them and then introduce them to their idols that God himself would judge and distroy them. The enemy just needs to keep us living in and relating on a low fleshly level to defeat us but we are "mad at hell" and we are saying YES to the Lord when He says "take a step in faith....draw near to me.....I will draw near to you". We break strong holds by saying what God says, By letting the Holy Spirit teach us ALL things including how to give thanks well. How to worship in spirit and in truth. Help us Lord ... to not file this word away,but to walk in it. Amen

Rob Willis said...

I would really recommend you get a CD of this past weekend's message, but what I spoke on was how when David became king, he immediately went and took hold of the Jebusite stronghold - he recognized that the season for getting rid of his enemy was now, and he did so. We talked about how we can get rid of the strongholds in our life, and how we need to recognize and embrace the season we are in.

Rob Willis said...

You can request a copy from Kyle - I will email you his address - the sermons aren't on line yet because things are in flux currently...someday they will be, someday... :)

Lady in the Water - have you seen it?