Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006 - Easter Sunday

We relocated to the Knights of Columbus Hall in Rochester for today's Easter's service (also see November 20, 2005 service). We relocate primarily for our church body to come together as one unit and worship together in unity, and it was a good day for that. I believe our visitor traffic was cut down drastically because of our switch, but it was something that I felt was necessary and good.

About the service itself, we had a free lunch and free pictures beforehand for anyone who wished to partake (which many did), and we started at 10am. The worship was good, and we intro'd a new song "Only a God Like You" which was received very well.

My message was extemporaneous, as I was ready to do part 2 of the message, "From Major Mess to Masterpiece," but I just felt from the time I woke up (about 4:30am) that God was leading me in a different direction, to speak on the resurrection. So I did - and I talked about what the resurrection means to those who are confronted with it. To the women, it meant salvation. To the guards, it meant fear and death. To Peter and the disciples, it meant another chance.

Overall, it was a good day. We were not up in attendance as we had 149 (nor were we down). It was THE day to celebrate what the Lord has done, and that's what we did.

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