Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005 - Week 6

Week 6 in the Purpose Driven Life Campaign was a good week as we focused on our fifth and final purpose, evangelism. There was great response to the message in both services as Christians realized what being a "witness" means from Acts 1:8. Perhaps the biggest, most difficult question from this weekend's message was, "Will anyone be in heaven because of you?"

And speaking of people in heaven, the best part of the service was when we had two people raise their hands for salvation, a teen in the first service and a man named John in the 2nd! I was so glad to see that response, as I really didn't speak clearly on inviting the Lord into our lives. Pray that these new babies grow on to maturity.

On of the special events of this day was our children doing a human video to the Kathy Tricoli song, "Carry Your Candle." As I sat there and watched, I was so pleased in how God is using our kids, and how our children's leaders are influencing our kids. I tried not to get too many tears in my eyes as I prayed that these kids wouldn't lose their desire to praise the Lord. And it was an excellent song and human video for the message which was that we are "Made for a Mission." We are made to tell others about Jesus Christ.

The music team, in my opinion, has never sounded better than it is sounding lately. The music overall this week (minus a few glitches) was great - I look forward to the day when we keep going in the worship and just really have a meeting with God. So far as the praise team, with the amount of flexibility that we have (and continue to expand upon), I am excited to see the direction the Lord takes us. What an instrument of God this team is, guiding people into true and spiritual worship every week - thank you praise team for all the work you do each and every week!

We were missing many of our regulars this week - illness, family, trips, sleepiness ;) kept many away, but the Lord continues to add to our numbers. We had 127 again this week, and I look forward to a packed house next weekend at the Knights of Columbus for our Celebration Sunday. Please keep next Sunday's preparation in prayer.

A note on this - we invite you to bring your family and friends along who either 1) do not attend church of like-faith, and/or 2) who have never asked Jesus Christ into their lives. We will have so many things going on during this service, including our regular components (music, message which will have a clear gospel invitation at the end); along with a dance team, and a human video, and several other things. To top it off, we will be having a meal that can feed about 175 people. We are asking each family to bring a Thanksgiving-type dish that serves 10-12 people (ready to be served with utensils and your name on the dish) and a dessert. So invite those people you know who fit the above descriptions. Don't forget that it all starts at 10:30AM at the Knights of Columbus hall in Rochester.

One last thing - if you are not part of a small group and would like to volunteer to help in some way, you can email my wife, Krista, at kristawillis72@hotmail.com or call us at the church. We can still use your help.

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