Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sunday, October 2, 2005

We had a good day today. Although we missed so many people, we had a good day. We observed communion, which I felt really made an impact in our worship, we introduced the song, "I Will Never Be," which was also well-received. I preached on "Don't Waste Your Life," dealing with three questions:
  1. What does God want? - My whole being/body/self
  2. What will it take? Discipline
  3. Why should I do it? The cross
I put these up here to serve as a reminder going into our 40 Days campaign - we need to make sure we don't overcrowd our schedules, and yet make sure that we do what is important and necessary - and we can do both. I hope to some day have the sermons available by audio on our website, but for now, you can always request a copy.

I am excited to enter in the 40 Days, and I hope that The Journey will experience a depth with God that they never have before.

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