Pasadena, Texas (next to Houston). We have so far sent $2000 to his church to help as they help others, and will
be attending a candelight vigil in Pelham, NH next Sunday evening (for anyone who wants to attend, it will begin at 7pm).
Hello from Pasadena, Texas!
I am behind but am finally able to give a brief update on our hurricane relief work.
Up till last week we were still receiving goods and also were housing the last remaining evacuees.
We also delievered goods in coordination with City of Pasadena and SE TX Housing Authority.
We have received over $3,000 in cash donations that have been held ina special fund and deducted as needed.
As you may have seen in the news, all over Houston most of the evacuees have now found places here or elsewhere
to live, especially backed with federal aid. In our particular case we realized quickly and by suggestion of our
overall coordinator that we use these funds for those special needs that are not met by federal or other aid.
So I introduce you to Janet. Janet is a single mother from New Orleans who has a baby and a 10 year old autistic boy.
The changes for her autistic son have been dramatic and accentuated beyond normal due to such drastic changes.
She was provided an apartment and her son has begun a school, though it is not working well for them at this moment
for him. She has nothing but her car, their clothes and is possibly getting a new job. What we were able to do then
was such a joy thanks to many of those who have donated. Her major need not covered is for her to have childcare so
she can work and take care of her family. We were able to provode about two month's worth of childcare at the place
or person of her choice!! We may help her in other things soon (such as with aid for her autistic boy) but we'll find
out more next week.
Another family was passed to us in private that has a total of 11 people (parents, kids, grandparents) in three
apartments on loan in nearby Baytown. We also went out there Thursday and surprised them with a visit with a truck
load full of kids colroing books and toys and food items. They had no furniture (as we could see in their new little
home) and so we were able to help them purchase some furniture - again thanks to you our donors. The mom's name is
Harriet and her husband is a New Orleans corrections officer who was called back to transport prisoners who had
gotten out and calling people to come pick them up! Also much of the evidence of these cases is now gone or ruined!
While in this apartment complex, we discovered a whole "colony" of folk from the same area given shelter here.
We are going back with more goods: food, baby crib, and more to give out to 11 families there.
I have attached a picture of Janet with her child (the boy was at school) and the other lady is harriet with
one of her daughters. They received the help warmly and Shane and i prayed with each one as well as giving them
Bibles and Gospel tracts to read.
Now we face a new challenge which may delay things for a few days - our own hurricane! We are in disbelief
but getting prepared here in Houston. What is even more difficult is that there are thousands who settled here
after Katrina only to have to move or flee this hurricane! Pray for us all please, and we will be sending
another update soon as possible.
Serving Him in Houston,
Walter Swaim
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