Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What do you think?

Two nights ago, on the 700 Club, Christian leader Pat Robertson expressed his views on the leader of Venezuela which has brought much national attention. You can read about what he said and the reactions by clicking here.

I would be very interested in hearing your comments, but let me ask you to be respectful and non-accusatory, no matter what your opinion. I am sure different people will read this and react in different ways. I will reserve my opinion for a little bit. -Pastor


Rob Willis said...

Just to give more information, here is an article from CBN's website -

- Just to give two sides to a story.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that Pat Robertson is a true politician. In order for the Christian majority to get through the other newsworthy material, they must debase themselves to politics. The comment was disgusting, and taken in or out of context there can be little doubt what he meant. However, if Pat Robertson had just been discussing Chavez as a man who has done a lot of injustice in this world, nobody would have listened. It's sad that to get heard in this world outside of a local community you need to be newsworthy, or should i say shockworthy.

Rob Willis said...

I am with both of you - politicial, not very honorable in his "I was taken out of context" response...but I definitely pray for him, and hope that that disease he has doesn't continue to plague him. May the Spirit of God give him discernment to speak much more thoughtfully and effectively since, like it or not, he is portrayed as representing the viewpoints of American Christians.

PS - The disease is something that many ministers have - it's called "foot in mouth" disease... :)

Anonymous said...

Pat seems to be in a place where I often find myself. Frustrated about the methods people of different groups try to “improve society”. Of course the improvement comes in many forms and ideologies. Pat has chosen the power of politics to disseminate truths, biblical principles and personal plans to steer the world towards peace. You would think that politics would be the way to make change. But the more I see the means working towards the end I see to things that are opposed to one another. It’s like putting liquor stores on highways, and then telling people not to drink and drive. Or using gambling to fund education, lower taxes, or improve highways, or having the tobacco companies educate minors on the dangers of smoking. It seems to make sense but you know it’s madness. If politics can bring people closer to God than I think Jesus would have jumped at the chance of being an earthly King. He knew better of it. He knew politics would not work, that only a change of spirit or spiritual politics will bring people closer to God and promote peace. It is very frustrating watching all the misguided thinking and decision making. While I don’t agree with Pat on assonating one person to save and improve the livelihoods of hundreds thousands, it seems to make sense to me and most governments sense the beginning of time. Why are we still looking for Bin laden? Why was Hussein number one on the military hit list? What is the value of one human soul? Can killing one man really save others? Tough questions. The down side is that Pat represents Christendom in general. His comments inflame the world and harden hearts. I pray for him as well and hope we all follow God’s will when it comes to dealing with evil.