Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Star Wars Episode III was the first movie in our three week break for "God in the Movies," a mini-series meant to help the people of The Journey analyze movies from a Christian perspective and dialogue with others who are not believers. I felt this sermon took a while to build some steam, was a little slow-going at times, but since this is new ground so far as sermon-style, I half expected it to be that way. The last part of the sermon flowed much more smoothly, as I talked about not being bound to the "darkside" of sin and gaining victory that we were meant to have in Jesus Christ. I feel the Lord annointed the last part of the message.

I want to say - I am very pleased with the attendance this summer. We haven't grown, but we have stayed consistent, just a little over 100 each week - and we had 106 today. That is so important to maintain momentum - keeping things afloat during the summer vacation months is important. Thank you for your faithfulness - let's keep going. The fall is full of important happenings, and I pray that the Lord is blessing and working in your lives during this time.

I was pleased with this Sunday. Good stuff all the way around.

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