Monday, May 09, 2005

Just to be clear...

I know that yesterday in my post I came on strong about attendance. I have been saddened by some of the people that we have lost in the past few months who have chosen not to attend for whatever reasons. But let me clarify by giving you a word picture:

Imagine that you are excited about a big family reunion that you are hosting at your house (if you could). You prepare the meals, you get the games together, you set up the tables, you imagine the good times that will be had with your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and 2nd cousins, etc. The day of the big reunion arrives, and some people arrive, and you anticipate more. But as time goes by you realize that you have several of your relatives - a loud-mouthed uncle and his family; a life-of-the-party sister and her 5 kids; your cheek-squeezing grandfather - along with about 20 others all decided that they had other things to do. You have a great time with the ones that are there, you play games, and you eat the food (which you had WAY too much of because people didn't show) - but you walk away thinking, "Darn it! I wish everyone had come - all this prep and time and the good time they would have had (and that we could have had with them)!" The day would be good, but not quite as fulfilling as if most everyone was there.

Every Sunday, we reunite. And we are a huge family - so huge that we felt it necessary to switch to two services. Lots of prep and energy goes into every service. After Easter, some of our people have forgotten to be consistent. So much prep is done, but the last several weeks we could have had one service, and I believe that is poor handling of our resources to do two when only one would be necessary under normal circumstances.

I want to reinvite our people back. Come back - and see how great the reunion is - how re-energizing and re-freshing. Let's make our normal circumstances hitting consistently as we should right now at about 110! The table is set - let's make it a point to be in one of the chairs at every meal... :)


Anonymous said...

Good analogy Rob. I have lived that experience and understand exactly what you are saying. You love and enjoy all who show up but your heart grieves for those who did not attend and you realize that everyone missed out,because each person is unique in themselves and each adds a differant dynamic to the gathering. Every menber of Christ's body, of the family of God is important. God doesn't bring salvation to anyone with the idea that that is the end of the line for that individual. Salvation is the first step, a baby step into the mystery of God. We are studying in Ephesians that we are all living stones being fitted together to form a dwelling place for the Lord. He inhabits,is enthroned upon, the praises of HIS people. His desire for His body is, to be filled up with the fullness of Christ.I'd be the first to admit that there are times when I wake up on a Sunday morning that I get hit with thoughts and feelings that could cause me to draw back . Time or space would not permit listing them all, but a few examples would be. "What's the use?" what differance will it make if I don't go?" or heres a good one: "No one will miss me any way if I don't go". How about, " I just don't feel like it". The list goes on and on but you know what Rob? I just want God's people to understand that they're not alone or isolated in their struggles.The moment the word of God goes forth, the battle is on. From the beginning of time the first question out of satins' mouth was, "Hath God said?" The war is over the word Journey.The war is over the Word of God. And how we respond to God's word today will shape not just the near future but our eternity and that of many people that God would use us to bless .
I receive this word your speaking Rob. It' conveys a shepherds' heart for God's sheep.I declare that the sheep will hear the shepherds voice and know that the motives of his intentions are pure.
I'm standing with you in faith brother.

Anonymous said...

One further comment on this issue Rob. Brenda and I felt that the Lord led us to the Journey. That doesn't mean everything will always go our way or that we will never have any issues to deal with. When a person is led by God into a situation it usually signals the beginning of a whole set on new problems.The body of Christ was not created for me but I was created for it.The enemy wars against what God is wanting to do in me.So as I mentioned in my earlier post, some of the thoughts I may get hit with or some little personality conflict that takes place with in the church should not cause me to run away and go church hunting. Satin has accomplised his purpose if I do. Ya know what? the " perfect church" is empty ! once you have a person in it it's no longer "perfect". The Lord is so awesome and has plans for us as a fellowship that are beyond what we are able to imagine right now ! Let's refuse to look at and evauluate the splinters in our brother's eye or any aspect of the church that we might not quite agree with or understand. We all desire that personnal relationship with Him, and if He has set us in this body as it pleases Him then lets' trust Him to work out the details.Sorry everyone for my long windedness. I am just very passionate about God getting what He wants first. I really do love HIS people. He has put that in my heart.I go through the same battles as anyone does. Let's communicate with each other, lets' help each other and lift one another up.Let's fight in the spirit for what God wants for this area.