Wednesday, April 13, 2005

My first funeral

Today I performed my first funeral for Martin Gonya, Cheri Cocco's dad. I was pleased to perform this duty, although it was over 3 hours away in Corinth, Maine, but it was an experience that I will never forget.

Krista and I travelled with Ed and Brenda Cormier up to Corinth, and had a great time with them, especially as we listened to Bishop Joseph Garlington preaching - wow! I remembered why he blesses me so much.

We arrived at the funeral parlor around 11am, and immediately you could sense division in the family. Without going into any detail, Cheri's brothers and sisters have been attacking her over some family issues, and when we arrived we literally felt like the cavalry of spiritual refreshing for Cheri. But no sooner did we get there that there was a tug of war going on for spiritual authority in this place, and that is something that I was not willing to surrender. Cheri had chosen some great praise and worship music to play before and after the ceremony which greatly aided the atmosphere, but there was still a satanic grip that many people held on to. The four of us (Ed, Brenda, Krista, and I) just bathed the whole time in prayer and praise, and I believe God was honored, and His Spirit was moving.

The service itself was about 20 minutes long, and I was able to give a clear call to salvation. I believe that God was telling me to speak the truth, so that is what I did. The service went well, and I felt was well received. What a difference it makes when the person you are eulogizing knew Jesus Christ as Savior, and what a wave went through the crowd when I announced that he had done this just three weeks before he died!

After the service, I went in back to take the customary place near the exit to greet and bless people. Many walked by me without acknowledging me, and some went through a different exit. I am amazed how much men of darkness hate light "because their deeds are evil."

Honestly, because of the family situation, I did not know if there would be a physical fight before we left, but I was ready for it. But praise God, as much of a struggle as there was after the service, there was no physical confrontation because the spiritual was stronger! By the time we left, we were all pretty tired, but we ushered Cheri and Victoria out safely and held up our testimony and that of Jesus Christ.

My first funeral was definitely a memorable one - thanks for letting me share. - Pastor.

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