Sunday, February 20, 2005

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What a great day we had here at The Journey! To start off, we had 87 in service, which is our second highest in-service total yet. The two service date just cannot get here any sooner, and I think we will just have to set up some metal chairs in the process!

But the day was a good one. The music went well (a little rugged in a couple of spots), and Andy Becker (see baptism pic below) played the bass for us for the first time. He did a good job, and I am looking forward to more things to come out of Andy and his wife, Kim. What a blessing to watch these new believers grow! Also, we intro'd the song Holy Spirit Rain Down, which went fine, and Victoria (see pic below) played the clarinet as a solo for that song - it was great! Finally, after my message, I led the congregation in a newer version of Take My Life and Let It Be, a version done by Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio. It went well.

I was a little emotional over the message, in which I preached on The Compassion of the Christ, and I used the story of the Good Samaritan and the film Hotel Rwanda (see my personal blog
) for some of my thoughts on this film. But I really wanted to stretch the congregation into thinking and living beyond themselves, and that's what compassion really involves - caring beyond ourselves. I think the sermon touched a chord with many, and I hope that it brings about a renewed compassion to love people wherever they are.

Along with that note, I have been in contact with World Help, an organization that has a four-fold missionary purpose: 1)plant and build new churches through nationals; 2)promote child-sponsorship; 3)provide humanitarian aide; and 4) distribute Bibles all over the world. I will be receiving more info, and I want to give our people the opportunity to really stretch themselves in the areas of compassion.

Some other great things that happened - we had several visitors: Jane from Rochester, who visited with her four-year old son, Austin. Jane raised her hand and gave her life to the Lord; Ron, from Farmington, who seems to be a believer, and expressed interest in coming back; and Amy's friend (can't remember her name) who Rod said also raised her hand that she accepted Christ; and Ally's friend (again, forgot the name) who seemed to paying attention throughout. I praise God that He continually blesses us with new people.

One last note: our offerings continue to remain good and solid, which is great news for plans that we are getting ready to make. What a great day! Praise You, Lord.

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