Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Sunday, January 2, 2005

The Journey from Humbug to Hallelujah series ended today. I spoke on living a hallelujah life the whole year through, not just during the Christmas season. I felt the sermon went fine, although I wasn't quite as polished as I like to be.

Today's gathering was actually very good, despite the lower attendance (we had 67 with several families missing). The music service was good, and we handed out the baptism certificates for everyone who was baptized last year. I still have some left over, but we baptized 16 last year, and we already have our first baptism planned in February.

Today was a tough day for me personally. There were some issues with some church members over hurt feelings that I really struggled with. I sincerely care for all of the members of the Journey, and unintentionally, I let a few down over the holidays. Even with attempts to make things right, I know there were some hurt feelings, contributed to specifically by some unkind things said about me. I will deal with all these, but I wish at times my people could see how much I legitimately care. This is not a job to me - this is my life, my ministry. I do not do this to collect a paycheck (as I still really haven't). I do what I do because it is the passion that God has laid on my heart, and the people I minister to drive me - seeing their lives changed, watching them grow and struggle and learn to rely more upon God in every aspect of their lives - to me, that's why I pastor. I love watching this community of people come together, seek God more in their everyday lives, and together witness as God uses us to impact our towns and touch people. A community impacting a community so as to enlarge the community of God.

OK - a few other notes - Bill Ragland revisited with us again (visited in December) and seems to be such a nice guy who is looking for a church home. I hope we can be his new home. Jeremy and Amanda from Farmington visited with us for the first time - a nice young couple who seemed to legitimately enjoy the service - I hope to see them back. Also, Melissa and Mary - two twins - visited us today for the first time. I had emailed them back in April of last year, and they decided to be with us today. A slight delayed reaction, but I hope they were enouraged by the service and will visit us again.

Well, that is all for now. I will be away in Florida this coming weekend, but will do my best to report the happenings of the Journey.

If you visit our service this weekend, feel free to give me your comments and feedback.

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