Saturday, January 29, 2005

Just a note about our leaders at The Journey...

Just finished our first official leader's meeting here about an hour ago. It went very well. God has given this church wonderful leaders in every area, and I am so grateful. Lee & Joanne, Kyle & Amber, Brenda, Rod & Elizabeth, Chuck and Donna, Krista - you are the best! Thank you for reaching toward new heights and entrusting yourselves and your ministries into God's hands. I truly love and care for you all.

Friday, January 28, 2005

What do you think?

I just read this in a book I am reading called The Story We Find Ourselves In by Brian McLaren, a phenomenal book. On page 150, he says this: "What are we called to do? To enter the kingdom of come into the future of the kingdom of God. And that's a great way to understand the church. The church is a community of people who are learning to live the way everyone will live in the future, reconciled in every way (emphasis mine)."

I thought this was one of the best things he said in this book - if we (the church) get it right, we are learning to live the way that God wants us to live! It means that the sermons and lessons and messages are more than just for the moment - they are for eternity! Praise God.

I invite any thoughts on this - just post an anonymous message, and leave your name in that post.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Snow was the big theme in most churches including ours was canceled because of the Blizzard of 2005.

I hope to resume as normal next week, but thanks to Joe Johnson and his trusty plow for clearing our parking lot. What a difference it makes when you don't have to snowblow the whole darn thing!!! :)

Attendance was 0 today, although we did have one family show up. They live about 2 blocks from church and ventured out (God bless them!), but with no service, they don't count for attendance. Oh well - everything returns to normal tonight with women's Bible study...

Monday, January 17, 2005

Sunday, January 16th, 2005

We had a great service today, as I continued the month of sermons on "Experiencing the Community of Jesus," talking about "One-anothering," and the missing ingredient in too many churches, including ours.

The music went well today, as it was good to have Audrey back and singing with us, and it was the first time that we had the live drums without any Christmas music. The people really responded to it, and it went well. They were applauding at the end of two different

We had 83 people in church today, with 10 visitors. Several people were missing, so much so that if we had everyone there, we would have had over 100! I am now convinced that we must go to two services, and we will begin that on Sunday, March 27th. I am undecided about the times, but it is time!

I didn't give an official invitation today, so there are no altar results to report. But I challenged our people to ask God to show them where they needed to be more focused on others, and it was a good day. Oh, and the Patriots beat the Colts today...praise God!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sunday, January 9, 2005

OK - I wasn't here for this service, and Pastor Rod is not in the habit of writing this blog, so I can only give you the skinny, and a very skinny skinny at that.

We had 57 in service today, which was pretty low, but it was due to the weather. Rod began our series for this year, Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, but talking about "Experiencing the Community of Jesus: The Importance of Unity." Everything went well, walks were cleared, and no problems were reported.

He used video worship this morning (he's weird like that ;) - and everything went well.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Come Naked to Church...

People should come to church naked. Now before you all show up at the door in your birthday suits, I don't mean physically naked (although that would make for an interesting promotion!). I mean spiritually naked.

I think too many come all dressed up - dressed with their success; dressed up with their hurts and their past; all decked out in the pride of their life or in the dilemma of the day. And frankly, most of what they dress in blocks their hearts from truly hearing God, blocks their eyes from truly seeing God, and covers their hearts from truly sensing God working. I want to come to church naked - knowing I need God, knowing that I have no good clothes (remember that Bible verse that says our righteousness is like "filthy rags"?), so I will just come like Adam in the Garden of Eden, and be naked as a jaybird (spiritually), and let God clothe me.

Now let me take the spiritual nakedness a step further. Think about it - if I have nothing to offer that is spiritually good, why should I worry about the physical so much? I mean, come dressed (PLEASE come dressed), but don't think that your clothes, as good as they look or smell, can impress God in any way.

*If you think the old suit and tie will warrant you spiritual points, you are wrong. Come naked.
*If you think that beautiful dress will warrant a 2nd look (and a 2nd blessing) from God, think again. Come naked.
*If you think that your designer jeans and polo and Doc Martins will impress God like He really cares about Abercrombie or American Eagle, you are experiencing a big GAP in your judgment. Come naked.

God is not impressed by us in any way, shape, or form. If you come to church to draw attention to yourself, you might as well come naked (although that would draw a lot of attention, but at least most of you wouldn't be showing off and you would be pretty humble).

So - although I will be out of town this coming week - I invite you to come naked - naked of your own pride, your distractions, your hurts that you cling to - and let God give you new clothes. Let Him clothe your life with His love and goodness and grace...

How pastors pray for their people...

From Ephesians 1:15-23
I found this in my bible reading this morning, and it never hit me like it did today:
Paul's prayer for the church that he started in Ephesus:
1) vs. 16 - I have never stopped thanking God for you

2) vs. 17 - asking God to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you might grow in your
knowledge of God

3) vs. 18 - I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future He has promised -

4) vs. 18 - I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance He has given you

5) vs. 19 - I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us

To summarize, we pray:
1) In thanksgiving for them

2) For their deeper knowledge of God and discernment

3) For them to realize what God can do in their future

4) For them to realize the gift they've been given

5) For them to grasp God's power in their lives
Just thought I'd share...

A beautiful birthday card from a member...

I don't usually share cards I receive from others (especially church members), but this one is beautiful. Here goes:

"God has focused His attention on you. God pays constant attention to you. He never takes His eyes off of you. He never stops thinking about you. What a great celebration there is over your life -Both here and in heaven. Happy Birthday."

That is perhaps the most beautiful card I have ever received. Just thought I would share it as it made my day. Thank you for the ones who gave it to me -Pastor Rob...

Sunday, January 2, 2005

The Journey from Humbug to Hallelujah series ended today. I spoke on living a hallelujah life the whole year through, not just during the Christmas season. I felt the sermon went fine, although I wasn't quite as polished as I like to be.

Today's gathering was actually very good, despite the lower attendance (we had 67 with several families missing). The music service was good, and we handed out the baptism certificates for everyone who was baptized last year. I still have some left over, but we baptized 16 last year, and we already have our first baptism planned in February.

Today was a tough day for me personally. There were some issues with some church members over hurt feelings that I really struggled with. I sincerely care for all of the members of the Journey, and unintentionally, I let a few down over the holidays. Even with attempts to make things right, I know there were some hurt feelings, contributed to specifically by some unkind things said about me. I will deal with all these, but I wish at times my people could see how much I legitimately care. This is not a job to me - this is my life, my ministry. I do not do this to collect a paycheck (as I still really haven't). I do what I do because it is the passion that God has laid on my heart, and the people I minister to drive me - seeing their lives changed, watching them grow and struggle and learn to rely more upon God in every aspect of their lives - to me, that's why I pastor. I love watching this community of people come together, seek God more in their everyday lives, and together witness as God uses us to impact our towns and touch people. A community impacting a community so as to enlarge the community of God.

OK - a few other notes - Bill Ragland revisited with us again (visited in December) and seems to be such a nice guy who is looking for a church home. I hope we can be his new home. Jeremy and Amanda from Farmington visited with us for the first time - a nice young couple who seemed to legitimately enjoy the service - I hope to see them back. Also, Melissa and Mary - two twins - visited us today for the first time. I had emailed them back in April of last year, and they decided to be with us today. A slight delayed reaction, but I hope they were enouraged by the service and will visit us again.

Well, that is all for now. I will be away in Florida this coming weekend, but will do my best to report the happenings of the Journey.

If you visit our service this weekend, feel free to give me your comments and feedback.

Chuck and Donna pray with their family to ring in the New Year... Posted by Hello

Praying together before the New Year... Posted by Hello

Everyone observes the carnage of the spoon was brutal! Posted by Hello

This was a pretty typical game of spoons, with Kay and Sam wrestling for the last spoon... Posted by Hello

Pam smiles while Joe looks away... Posted by Hello

The party lasted well past Joseph's and Abigail's bedtimes, but they managed to find a makeshift bed on the floor... Posted by Hello

Kim smiles for the camera as Andy talks with Pam and Joe across the table... Posted by Hello

Quincy(pointing), Kayla (center), and Emily (right) grab something to eat... Posted by Hello

Pastor Rob and Pastor Rod play against Dave & Dory & Desiree in LOTR Monopoly. Just for the record, Rod (Gandalf) won, although we think that he manipulated the Ring of Power to do so... Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year's Eve Party - December 31, 2004

Are you supposed to walk away from a party with bruises (much less a church party!)? Well, the bruises were the good kind, when you play hard and you wrestle and you grab spoons from other people...ok, so maybe the bruises weren't good, but the party was! We had 38 people bring in the New Year at The Journey. The finger food and desserts were good, and the company was fantastic. The games we played: Cranium, Lord of the Rings Monopoly, Golf (a card game), Battleship, Spoons, and Mafia. You really get to know people when you play games with them. Check out some of the pictures listed above!

We ended our evening by praying in the New Year - from 11:45-12:05...Happy New Year, Journey!