Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Sunday, December 12, 2004

This Sunday was a good service. Overall, I felt that everything went smoothly, we had two people raise their hand that they prayed with me for salvation that I need to do some follow-up with, one of them being Dory's husband, Dave, who is a super nice guy visiting with us for the first time! I praise God that HE continues to work in our presence. Pray as I follow up with this family.

For the third week we also had Scott & Catherine with us, and their daughter Dericka. They are a very nice couple that recently moved here from Massachusetts, and I hope to get the chance to connect with them within the week.

The service did go smoothly, as we lit the third Advent candle and I preached the third message in the "Humbug to Hallelujah" series on Joy to the World, a look at how the coming of Christ brings joy. I have to say that although the sermon went long, I was VERY pleased with how it turned out. I ended up revamping almost all of it (as I also did last week), but I spoke on how the first step to joy is obedience, as we looked at the example of Mary. It was good.

The music was also good, but I felt a hesitancy to engage this morning by the crowd, like there was a block of some sort. I didn't feel they engaged a whole lot. I need to bathe our service and our church more in prayer. We did have 68 (praise God!), although I felt our attendance was really down.

Another good note: I am excited about the progress the praise team is making. Corey (he and his wife just joined and I am very excited about them), along with Andy (he and his wife are also considering joining!), and Ed (he and his wife are also joing us) have been practicing and are hyped up about worshipping God with their instruments every week. I am excited to see this progression in our church!

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