Monday, November 01, 2004

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Roller coaster...if you ask me to give you a small description of my pastoral life, it would be that - like a roller coaster. Up and down. Side to side. Blind curves, sudden drops, gradual ascents...sometimes fun but enough to make you throw up!:)

Ok - this should be on my personal blog, but as the pastor of The Journey, it is fitting as well.

First, the Ups ...
We had the New Hampshire Church Planting meeting on Saturday down at Granite State...what a great time as we talked about what has been happening in the new churches in the area, including ours, and how God is blessing. We also encouraged and motivated our people to get involved. It was a great day.

Also, on Saturday the 30th, Chaz & Tara, Lee & Joanne went to the Group Youth Leader's Conference at Bethany Church, and they were greatly energized for the new youth ministry. I am so glad that it was good!

On Sunday, October 31st, to begin with, we had 67 - our new high attendance! We had that and at the same time had several people missing! One of these days, everyone will show up and we will hit 90 with visitors. By the way, when that happens, we will have to go to two services! I can't wait. What a great problem to have.

I preached on "5 Principles for Christian Voters," which I borrowed from the Liberty National Journal. The sermon went well, although I was definitely a little antsy because of the controversy over church and state and non-profit status. On top of that, we had several visitors, including Andy & Kim (Rod's neighbors) who were back for a 2nd time, and a couple named Scott & Catherine, and their daughter Dericka. Stevie and her kids were back, and so was Betty Smith. So I wanted to be careful and not turn anyone off to what I had to say, and at the end, I stated that I was personally voting for George Bush, although that was in no way a church endorsement. The message went fine. A little dry at times, but it is a tough issue, especially now.

I didn't give a traditional invitation, so there are no altar results to report, but I am excited about baptizing in two weeks. Off the top of my head, I should be baptizing between 5-10 people!

Ok - the Downs....
On Tuesday the 26th, a lady who has visited church a few times, called and said that her husband had left her (he was also coming). He doesn't want to work it out, and so we are going to begin helping her pick up the pieces. Not easy though. She told me today that she hasn't come the last two weeks because she was embarrassed, to which I shared with her how many people in our church have been divorced, and that we wanted to help her, and be a family to her. I am meeting with her on Wednesday.

Then I found out on Thursday that Karla is moving away. Karla is my children's director, and she recently got engaged and is moving. While I am ok with her moving, I just wish she could have accomplished more. She seemed to have been dragging lately, so I imagine a change of scenery will be good for her. On the upside, Brenda and Audrey have agreed to take over, so that is exciting!

On Sunday morning, Rod's grandmother died, and so he and Elizabeth are leaving for Cincinatti for about a week, which will be a little stressful, but it will be good. His grandmother was a Christian, but it hit Rod hard. He was definitely not ok on Sunday morning, at least not in praise team practice. It hurt to see him down and upset.

Today, Monday, Novemer 1st, I went to court with Nick (Donna's son who recently got saved) over the restraining order that his wife, Carrie (who also recently got saved) put on him. It turns out that he will only have supervised visits of his kids, and at this point, that situation just needs some major prayer. God can have the victory, but satan has had his way for so long, and they both are pawns (still) of his because they allow that snake to have the victory, and nothing is going right there. If you read this, please just pray that God will give a point of victory in here somewhere, as it is sorely needed.

I told you - a roller coaster - up and down, unexpected twists and turns. But I love what I do, I love the people I minister to and alongside, and I know God is working because otherwise satan wouldn't be fighting so hard! :)

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