Monday, October 18, 2004

Sunday, October 17, 2004 Really - wow. Maybe I am impressed too easily (although I don't think so), but I am so amazed at what God does here continually. Let's just start at the top.

To begin, we had 66!!! Our highest total ever, and that was missing several people. We could have very well reached 80!!! Someday soon - I think before the year is out. And I have to again expand our chairs - the auditorium was almost full yesterday before I dismissed the kids. What a great problem to have! :)

Now for more - a lady Brenda brought on Wednesday came again today with her husband (Julie & Floyd), and Julie got saved! Praise God. He just doesn't stop working. I had a strong gospel message as I preached on Irresistible Evangelism - Hitting One of the Tee, talking about how we can begin to impact someone and see them come to Christ. Krista said I did well, so I will take that to mean that God was working, because I was surrendered to Him.

But it gets better. Donna has been praying for her son, Nick, and daughter-in-law Carrie, who are really struggling right now and need the Lord. Carrie and Nick both came to church yesterday (!), and Carrie also got saved as well. I have been praying for her and Nick all day yesterday and today, praying that the Lord will continue to work in their lives. But Donna's prayers have been working (which is great to see as she has struggled with prayer).

Also, Brian (Brenda's husband) came yesterday, and he has been having some personal struggles. I was so glad to see him there, and I pray that we can encourage and strengthen him. Sean & Shay Bennett were with us again, as was Christie their friend, and they want to know more about membership.

I was just telling Elizabeth, the last two months we have seen some good and sustained growth, in attendance, finances, spiritual growth, and community. We have also seen many people come to Christ, and God is beginning to make us into the community that I dreamed we could become. I know struggles are ahead, and satanic opposition is there (I believe right now there is an undercurrent of some activity that will raise its head soon), but nonetheless, God gets the glory because He brings the increase.

Right now, we are riding high in New Hampshire, watching the Lord work. May His kingdom and power and glory continue to abound and grow in our little community of believers!

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