Monday, August 02, 2004

Sunday, August 1, 2004

It was a good Sunday service. I say "good" in the sense that we had a good attendance as we had Lee and Joann with us (which I did not expect! Nice surprise), and Stevie and Paul were again with us, and Jenn and Lucinda were with us again. We were missing several of our regular people though, but still, we had 50, praise God, and I hope that continues to increase. The music was also good, and it was Maria's last Sunday with us - I really like Maria, and I hope she and Chad do well in Maryland. My preaching was fine, but two things: 1) I wasn't prayed up, and so I felt that my sermon, though good, lacked power, and 2) the people were "ho-hum" in their response. I preached on "Growing Faith: Four Steps to Trusting God" from Hebrews 11:7-12, adapting material from John Piper on the subject.

Again, I felt it was a good day overall, but praise the Lord it was nowhere near as good as it gets!

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