Saturday, July 24, 2004

Church Birthday Picnic - July 24, 2004

Well, it is amazing the difference between the start and finish of a day.  The day started out raining, and wet, and our birthday celebration was very much in jeopardy of not happening today.  But the weather said only showers until noon, and then things would clear up.  So instead of a noon start, we delayed the start until 2pm.  And it was so good that we did, and it turned out to be a nice day for a picnic.  As I type this, it is now almost 9pm, and the night is even better - cool and refreshing.

The picnic turned out to be a huge success.  We had 54 Journey people(!) and another 30 Granite State people, which it was so nice to outnumber them! I hope this translates into a good day tomorrow.  We had volleyball, bocce, wiffle ball, horse shoes, basketball, and lots of food and fellowship.  We could have had even more Journey people - there were still several that did not show up, so I would say that we had a really good turnout. 

As we get ready to have our first Sunday, I think I am going to spend some serious time in prayer tonight, asking God to annoint our service and annoint me, and to refresh our people with our vision.

That's all. 

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