Thursday, June 29, 2006

A beautiful, attainable vision

Psalm 1 reads,
"1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers.
But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper.
But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly.
For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction."

This is an anonymous Psalm, but a beautiful one filled with wisdom for us today.

To begin, there is joy to be found in the life lived for God. What is joy? Joy is the attitude that comes from knowing that as I seek the Lord in my life, I don't have to fear man. Joy is the attitude that comes from knowing that He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him. It is the attitude that comes from being in His presence through worship, silence, praise, and adoration. JOY IS ATTAINABLE as I seek the Lord, as I respond to His Word, and as I worship. So "oh the joys of those who..." - joy is attainable.

But joy is connected to fleeing from evil here - joy is not just the pursuit of God but also running from evil. Three requirements to bring about joy are: 1) don't follow (or seek out) the advice of wicked people; 2) don't stand together with sinners (people who knowingly live rebellious lives against God - afer all, we all are sinners); and 3) don't accept the modern day habit of "scoffing" (making fun of people, putting people down, insulting).

But look at what the joyful life produces - pleasure in serving God and hearing Him. There is great joy to be found when we know that we are pleasing the One who created us and loves us. God created us to be unselfish, giving creatures - our sin nature has produced the opposite. But furthermore, there is delight in His "law" - His word - His voice. Just as a wife is soothed by the calming voice of her husband, so God's word in all its forms can soothe the believer who hears His voice. There is joy here. But it goes further.

This lifestyle of running from evil and pursuing God produces a productive life, where like a fruitful tree, the seasons of life are received in joy. The person who is like a tree understands that there are seasons of barreness and fruitfulness, of pain and pleasure - but that each season is beautiful because they are firmly planted in the Lord.

And throughout these seasons, no matter what, there is prosperity and success - not material, but rather spiritual success. God looks at those who live their lives pursuing Him, and no matter what happens to them as they pursue Him, He considers them successful. As Hebrews 11:16 so beautifully points out, the people who live like this make God proud - "God is not ashamed to be called their GOD" - wow, I pray that the Lord is proud of me, that He is glad that I tell others that He is my father.

But if we don't have joy, if we don't pursue God, if we take the advice of the wicked and stand with them and adapt our culture's negative attitudes, then verses 4-5 hold our ending.
1) Meaningless existence - like the chaff that is carried away by the wind.
2) Condemnation - there is only judgment at the end.
3) Misplacement - we will be permanently lost, with no place in God's presence with God's people - hell. Hell wasn't made for us and it is not intended to be our end. But it exists and is first and foremost the absence of God. May we pursue God and avoid this epitaph!

A final word in verse 6 - as we pursue God, He lovingly watches over us, empowering us and making us fruitful. What an incredible thing to know that God watches my life! BUT if we don't pursue God, and we rather pursue wickedness, there is only destruction. You cannot deceive or fool God. He tells us that any other pursuit outside of Him results in death. The life best lived is the life that is lived in pursuit of God and His ways. The meaning of life, the meaningful life, is found in obeying God and pursuing His plans for our lives. Only then will we find out what the Psalmist meant when he wrote, "Oh the joys of those who..." - may you and I pursue the joyful life.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2005

Shepherd's Pie - that was the message. Still was the worship.

1) Shepherd's Pie - The message was on Division - Whose Hand will You Put it in? We discovered that division in church is good when placed in the hands of God - that He brings discernment and delegation, both matters of division. But division in the church is bad when placed in the hands of the devil, who uses it to cause dis-unity. But it was a "shepherd's pie" message, adding three separate ingredients to make one meal. Some received it.

I want to make an addendum onto what I said, because in the 2nd service we labored on the 20/80 principle, which states that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. I recognize that in the workaholic world we have that some would be offended by me making this statement. I realize that our church is composed of hard-working men and women, and I thank God for you. I do not ask you to do "more work" by finding an area of service in the church. That's not it at all.

Rather, what I ask is that you find a place, a ministry in the church where you can use the spiritual gift God has given you to do some work that will fulfil God's dream. I am always hard at work making my dreams come true - paying for my car, my home, my upcoming vacation, my cable bill, etc. But when I take an hour every week and I give my energy, talents, and gifts to God, I fulfil His dream for my life - where altogether we believers, in a rhythmic dance of service and joy, contribute to make the kingdom of God, His dream, a reality in our area. It's not more work - it's just giving up something for the Lord who gave us everything. As we do this continually, we become people who know and follow His heart.

2) Still - We intro'd a song that we will be using during our Becoming a Person after God's Own Heart series (a short study on David) - it is a song taken from Psalm 91, a Psalm that reflects on being sheltered by God during tough times. I love that our congregation was still - silent - just worshiping "quietness and trust."

It was a good day at church - I don't really know of many bad days. We had 118.

One more note: there are several areas in our church where there is struggle right now. Men and women and teens are battling against Satan and his lies - some have given up and given in. Our church was filled with people just a few months ago that no longer attend with any kind of consistency. If this is you, if you have battled and struggled and lost and are unsure where you stand, let me plead with you to come this Sunday as I begin this Becoming... series. It will transform your life and give you fresh perspective and hope. If the devil is fighting that hard with you to keep you away, can I ask you...don't you wonder what you must be missing?! See you on Sunday.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006 - Father's Day

Historically Father's Day has always been good so far as attendance, and today was no different - we had 149. We had several new visitors in both services, including the guy (along with his children) who just re-did the parsonage roof. The first service was PACKED (105 in that one alone), so I think everyone decided to come early and get out to celebrate Father's Day.

What a good day it was though in spirit. The worship, especially in the first service, was vibrant and lively. The kids came out and did a presentation based on the Lord's Prayer (they called it the "Our Father" prayer - fitting...) and did a song in sign-language based upon that prayer. It was GREAT! I encourage the children and their leaders to do more stuff to encourage the church.

For the message, I preached on God using multiplication to carry out His plan - that He wants to give us extreme insight, exceptional influence, and that He wants us to extend an invitation. I have been gearing the word towards outreach over the past month (and still have one more week) to show that God desires for us to not be complacent, but to reach out and demonstrate the love of God to others.

As we continue to launch into the summer, may this be a refreshing time for you and your family, and may the church be not an obligation but an inspiration, not a duty but a delight as you continue on your pursuit of God.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Today was a refreshing day at The Journey, a day where I think some things began to correct themselves. My last post noted my frustration with the attendance being so low, and the message being so needed. But today was a great day for many reasons:
1) Our attendance was back to normal, as we had 137. I know during the summer that this will go up and down, but it is always great to have people where they are supposed to be.
2) We had Joe Lipsey, from the Gideons International, with us to present that ministry. As a church we collected $550 to give towards the Gideon's. I was glad to have that ministry with us, especially considering the influence it has had on several of our people, including our church leaders.
3) During Joe's presentation, the Lord hit me with a question to present to our people - "What could God do today to get your attention?" Or "Complete this statement, 'If the Lord did (***), I would not do the thing that I plan on doing."

I was planning on doing the 3rd lesson in our "God's still counting" series, but this question wouldn't release me so I ended up preaching on how God wants to get our attention, but we don't give it to Him. But then the question comes up - what could God do that would get my attention? Even if God did something spectacular (besides die on the cross, forgiving every sin, and inviting me into a relationship with Himself right where I am) - would I respond to Him? The word was from God to our church, as I believe some are on the cusp of disaster. God is vying for the attention of some of our folks, and they refuse. I titled the message "Last Call" because for some, it is the last call before God has to take some measures.

It was a good day today - I praise God that our giving is also up recently, as May was a financially difficult month for the church.

I am excited to see God's dream for this church, for His people, come to fruition.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday, June 4, 2006

As I sit here typing, I am a mix of emotions. I am excited, because today's services, with the message and the worship, were both great! We talked about The Attraction of Subtraction, and how there are things that God subtracts or that we can subtract from our lives to experience God's best. Seriously, if you weren't here, get the CD - it was a good word. The response was also good, as people made decisions to subtract things from their lives today, and to trust as God does the same - "You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, 'Lord, blessed be Your name!'" Everything about the services was good - both times in each aspect. If you missed it, seriously, you missed a good service.

And that's where my mixed emotions come in. Too many missed it. And for the worst of reasons. I know that we had a few who were out of town (you know that we missed you!), but there were too many who stayed home, and I ache that you missed it. I know there were some different activities that perhaps could not be avoided, but for some of you, allow me to say/type this: the less you go to church and the less you get involved, the less important it becomes. If you missed it today on a whim, I beg you to cast off your grudge, your doubt, your anger, or whatever. People are dying to hear what you missed today.

Now just to let you know, we had 90, and man, the 90 were in tune and ready to worship God and receive His word. The reponse was great, and I praise God for what He did in each heart. If you missed it, know that you are missed. I hope you will make it a priority and to get out next week to worship with us.